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Will the itching stop

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So my first OB technically started about 2 weeks ago. Started off like thrush then went to the burning then the blister came. Started a 5 day treatment for it and within a couple of days the blister was gone. Finished the 5 days then it still felt weird down there like constant friction but not really itchy or burning.

Within 5 days the itching started again and the burning like it did before the blister came. I've started another 5 day treatment again to avoid the blister coming up but I'm not sure if the itching is thrush again which I'm prone to ( never in such a short period of time though) or a second OB.


I've been using zinc & castor oil ointment which is helping with the burning and the itching for short periods of time and salt baths. Yesterday morning my vagina felt more normal than it had in the last 2 weeks then by the evening the itching was back. I ate more sugary foods yesterday than I have since the OB first started so I'm thinking I might have flared it back up maybe.


I have never been so aware that I have a vagina so now every little twitch seems like something. Guess I'm just worried I'm gonna keep having repeat OB's and the itching won't go away.


Here it's the same when it comes to the suppressive medication- only used for when there's lots of outbreaks. My nurse even had to look up Lysine when I asked if I should use that - she did admit that I know more than her but that's still not very reassuring


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Sorry you are dealing with this. Yes, it will stop. It just takes time for the body to get the virus under control. Theres a battle going on inside you and until the antibodies get a grip you may well have some symptoms.


As you noticed, sugar may be a trigger for you. Start to keep a food and stress diary... you may well find that certain foods (mostly sugar/nuts/chocolate/etc) may trigger you...especially right now. Over time that may change ... I went through a spell where if I had nuts and chocolate together, I'd have an OB.... now I can scarf all I want down and it's ok.


What I have told others to start doing is that if you need the meds to control the OB's, just tell your Dr you have had blisters every few weeks and you can't take it any more. With luck they won't force you to come in...if they do, just say that they just went away a few days before. Then at least you may get a script that you can use to minimize the OB's if you don't want to go on supressive therapy full time. I hate lying but when a protocol doesn't make sense, well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do :p



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Thank you, it's nice to be able to put concerns here and get support, sometimes having read about it just isn't enough.


I'm also trying to stop thinking about it as much - was just thinking about if a friend was to ask me what I had been up to lately the only honest answer I'd have would revolve completely around H.


I don't want to become obsessed and I have a personality prone to that behaviour. Just keep telling myself H won't take over my life if I don't let it- easier said than done right now, would love to go to the gym but I'm afraid it'll make the itching even worse.


Oh well this too shall pass



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Actually as shallow as it sounds H has already helped me lose weight (not crazy amounts) because of needing to eat better and be more careful with certain foods.


Before this I was already trying to lose weight so I guess this is another positive about H :P

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Today I went grocery shopping and was a bit down about the itching then I decided most people could use a smile and they might be down about something too.


Corny I know but I smiled at every person I saw and felt better from it and it was a distraction from the itching.



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Know what I do when I'm grocery shopping and I'm in a mood? I mess with people. That's right, I go full on Dennis Leary. For instance:


Lady with 10 screaming kids messing with my chi as I search for Chai? I'll slip a pregnancy test in her overflowing shopping car.


Grouchy grey haired old man shopping with the Mrs. who's loaded the cart down with produce and junk food. I'll slip a 24 pack of condoms in there.


20 year old jerk who cuts me off? He's getting a little Preparation H and a box of tampons.


Lady with an attitude? Yep, she's got a yeast infection, and needs the industrial size tube. She might even need something like a lice comb.


25 year old pompous asp who is learing at the ladies as they walk by? He's getting some Rogaine.


Then, I just mosey my way up to the counter, make my purchases, then sit down in the chairs there and wait to see their reactions. It's good, clean, cheap fun. Sometimes I'll sit there eating Cracker Jacks. Fortunately, the folks at the local grocery store where I shop know me very well since I've been shopping there for over 20 years. They get a kick out of it, too, and they know that when I sit down, something fun's about to happen...





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