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Herpes relief. Worth a try. Please read.

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I need to tell everyone I have finally found relief from my herpes outbreaks. I have suffered for about 30 years on my arm and in the last two years i contracted genital herpes. As soon as one outbreak would end I would get another. I accidentally found that I was not getting any more outbreaks due to eating pineapple every day. I have had one outbreak in the last 12 months which was quite minor and did not last long. I eat about one large slice of pineapple every day and if I feel an outbreak coming on I increase the pineapple to about two large slices and it does knock it on the head.

I am so relieved and I needed to share.

I would love to know if this helps anyone else

I am so much happier without my constant reoccurrences.

It is inexpensive and worth a try.


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Pineapple has Bromalin in it which is an anti-inflammatory....so it's possible that if your OB's are caused by your body is generally inflamed, it's *possible* that by reducing the inflammation in your body it's better able to fight the virus....but there are no studies to prove anything conclusive in this area.

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I can say that I've used pineapple to treat another medical condition that comes up in the bedroom that's also caused by inflammation. Dancer is right, the anti-inflammatory effect is right from the bromalin, and as you said, it is very powerful. While the "B" can be bought in pill form, I strongly recommend fresh pineapple to anyone dealing with inflammation.

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