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First year with herpes, will these constant outbreaks ever go away?

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I contracted HSV2 August of 2013 and I have had countless outbreaks since then. They have decreased in severity, actually I BARELY notice I'm having one now. The only way I can tell is I feel very slight discomfort working out or wearing tight pants and I'll look and sure enough, one tiny tiny bump that is gone in about 2 days. BUT, I am literally constantly having one... I would say I get an outbreak at least once or twice a month. I eat very healthy, work out everyday, and for the most part, get plenty of sleep. I do, however, have anxiety and a very stressful job. Which I think may contribute. BUT, I'm just wondering if this is normal for the first year? I would really like to avoid getting on suppressive therapy, but I can't deal with constant outbreaks.. Did anyone else experience something similar? When did it get better?

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Moonchild, can you answer a few questions please?


What do you mean by constant outbreaks? Do they always result in pimples?


How did you get diagnosed with HSV is it 1 or 2 and did you ever do a blood test to confirm and at what month?


I had constant out breaks 2 in my first 6 months but I didn't turn positive til 6 month point via blood test..wondered if you were the same.



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Yes this is VERY normal for the first year- but it sounds like your body is getting the virus under control. If you have a partner you want to protect or if it's disrupting your work the meds can help a lot and given that your body is starting to win the battle, they may help a lot. If you can deal with it, well, then its your choice about taking the meds. Perhaps you can take them for 6 months then wean off and see how it goes ...

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