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Herpes outbreak right after stopping suppressive therapy

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So I remember reading somewhere that this could happen but I'm not sure if anyone has had the same experience. I've been OB free while in supressives for the past 2 years. I think I had 1 scare last November with padrome but no full outbreaks since July 2012. I accidentally forgot to make my doc appointment on time this year to renew my prescription and had to go a few days without acyclovir. While I hadn't had an outbreak in forever, I was scared and sure enough... Yesterday when I went in for my appointment I felt a couple small bumps. I started taking my medicine yesterday evening but I guess it was too late because now it's full on tiny blisters.... In the two outbreaks I've had before I've had one or two bumps but now it's a BUNCH and super uncomfortable. I feel like crap now... I had almost hoped to never see an outbreak again and thought that I would be lucky enough to avoid them for the rest of my life.


I know it's just a virus, and I haven't been rejected yet, but I'm just down in the dumps now back to the sad reality that I can still express symptoms.... I'm probably taking more acyclovir than I should right now but I just want this to go away. I feel like a I min time bomb. I thought my body was just use to not getting OBs and now I realize it really was all due to my meds. It makes me feel like if I miss one dose this is gonna happen again.... Anybody had trouble with this? Going off meds and as a result getting an OB?

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Well I know this is hard to hear but be thankful suppressive therapy works for u. Meds don't seem to work for me and some other people too. So at least you know what works.


This is quite common for outbreaks to happen closely after going off suppressive Meds.


Dancer always has some good advice on how to relieve pain so I would search some of her comments.


This too shall pass, u will o on ur Meds again and u learned to be diligent with ur appts and prescriptions. It's really not all that bad. I don't mean to my give sympathy but Meds don't help me and I would give my left arm for them to work!!!!


So I know this post sucks and not what u want to hear but get try this outbreak as best u can am ensure u have lots of med refills on hand.


Good luck It will pass

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Well, going "cold turkey" probably didn't help ... and you will be ok taking extra for a few days - I don't use them at all but when I used to get bad OB's I'd hammer the crap out of it with the meds to knock it back quickly.


If you want to go off the meds, just like many other meds, wean off SLOWLY and allow your body to build up the antibodies. Right now your body doesn't have to work as hard to control it, so if you want to stop the meds, you have to be willing to go through *some* possible OB's/discomfort so your body can produce the antibodies.



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  • 1 month later...

I'm really really hoping that this is not the case again. It's only been a month since this happened again for the first time in 2 years!!! :( Felt itching today. Kinda scratched way too hard. Just checked a few hours later in the bathroom after still feeling some discomfort and saw raised skin (not what I usually feel which is a harder, tinier bump) and the area where I scratched is very very red (also unusual from the only 3 obs I've had). I took 2x 200mg acyclovir instead of 1 tonight, repeating tomorrow morning. I guess tomorrow we'll see if it's another one. I'm going to go insane if it is....


It could be that I was out in the sun for a few days that might have triggered an OB, but I did that for 8 days in november of last year and had absolutely no symptoms.


I've never had this two months in a row even without ANY medication and now that I went off suppresive and came back on I'm really worried that my body won't respond to it anymore and sent the virus into haywire. :( What is going on!?

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