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JUST found out I have HSV2, but it doesn't fit the standard symptoms. Advice?

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I was convinced I had an apthous ulcer on my labia, I noticed a slight pain that felt like a cut from shaving (while I was shaving actually) so after my shower I checked it out with a mirror. It looked like one small canker sore on my labia. White in the center, smooth and flat with a red ring on the outside. I went to my OB so they could verify this information and maybe give me something to put on it. She swabbed it for HSV and it came back positive today for HSV2. This is where things get confusing.


I've been in a monogamous relationship for 12 years, I've never had as much as an ingrown hair in my vagina. My boyfriend has never had anything on him, and he's absolutely not cheating, and neither am I. I am astounded that I have this, and I haven't even told him yet. (He's at work and I just found out about an hour ago).


So here are my symptoms:


I've been not feeling well for about a month. (Fatigue, upper respiratory symptoms) My PCP said allergies or a virus. I did notice some blisters in my throat on the right side where my tonsils used to be. I lost my voice and was hoarse for a couple weeks. That has since resolved but the blisters are still there. They do not hurt. I do not have any cold sores, canker sores or anything else in my mouth.

About 2-3 days after finding the sore (and I only have 1) I came down with a slight fever (100.6) and was extremely tired.

The next day I felt better I've been feeling better since, with the exception of having soreness in my tailbone. It feels like swollen or injured, but I have not done anything that would cause injury to that area. The pain also shoots down my left leg.

My OB didn't think it was hsv from a visual diagnosis because there was only one sore, and it didn't fit the standard outbreak. However, the swab test came back positive for hsv2. She called me in a script for valtrex to take for the next 10 days, twice a day. I had to wait for the results over the weekend, and the sore is almost completely gone. Should I still take it?


So I guess what I'm asking is has anyone else had similar symptoms? I don't know what to think/do at this point.

I am so confused this came out of nowhere!

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Hi. Welcome and glad you found us!! This is a great site with lots of great information and people to support you. So you are at the right place.


First of all, yes, herpes can be confusing sometimes, when and where it appears, if its typical or atypical....its a virus that seems to have few rules or likes to violate them every so often.


For medication, yes, you should still take your meds. You may want to get repeats from your doctor in case of another outbreak or decide to go on suppressive therapy if you decide which requires taking meds everyday.


OK....herpes can lay dormant in your system for long periods of time, so you could have got it anytime. Sounds like you had a primary outbreak, so it's quite possible, your partner is an asymptomatic carrier; he has the virus, it stays dormant most of the time and once in a while the virus comes to the skin unknowingly and he passed it to you. The best way for you and he to know is for you both to do herpes specific type blood tests now and then 4 months from now. If you are negative, and he is positive, that means he is the carrier now and you are negative via blood b/c your body hasn't had the chance to build antibodies. If you are positive, and he is negative, well then that means you have antibodies in your system and have had this for a while, just never showed symptoms. Best not to guess though adn just get a blood test.


You may very well also have it in your mouth, best to get it swabbed so you can know for sure. The more you know about what and where you have it the better you can protect your partner(s). Just for curiousity sake, what do the blisters look like in your mouth...I have been having teh same issue on and off and I don't know what it is.


You will be ok....don't worry, we all went through the same feelings you did. And we all learned alot about ourselves and our bodies through this virus. Big virtual hug to you. Post anytime, there is always someone that is happy to lend support.



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Hi clc31,


If you've been with one person for a long time u may have had it before him and it decided to activate now. From what I've read it's not uncommon. Most long term partners take the news well so tell your bf and have him tested. As far as the meds I'm not sure, they are said to shorten the outbreak time if taken at the onset, so you might wanna ask your doctor or maybe someone else has more advice on that. I think the soreness goes with the outbreak, I've never had one but I've read a lot since my diagnosis.


After my positive result I tried to think back to any sores only one I can remember was on sore near the edge of my bikini line that looked like a razor bump but other than that nothing. I did get pain in my right leg after my diagnosis which is on the same side as the mystery sore but I wasn't positive at that time or so I thought so I wasn't swabbed. Hope this helps and I hope it continues to clear up

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Everyone pretty well covered it here but just to add my experience... I have a client who had her first OB after 30 yrs of marriage, so yes, it can lie dormant for a long time. As mentioned, if you both get tested (and I suggest you do) then it will tell you if one or both of you have it now and if you come back with a H- blood test it means you were very recently exposed....




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Thank you all for being so welcoming and supportive. This is a super stressful day. I picked up my Valtrex script and I will take it tonight. (Good lord those pills are huge) I also picked up Lysine as I read that can help suppress the virus. I also read that your first out break is typically the worst, so if all I get is one sore, and some soreness in my butt/leg I will take it.


And whitedaisies, I don't actually have sores in my mouth, the only thing that I have are a few blisters in my actual throat, where my right tonsil used to be (I had them out as a teenager). They look like the same color as my throat, just raised up. No sores in my mouth anywhere.


I read something about bee propolis as well, has anyone tried that?



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