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H1 transmission rates etc.

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A little background... I was diagnosed with genital herpes many years ago. At the time, the doctor told me it didn't really matter which type (1 or 2), and I'm not sure if they even had tests then to tell the difference. At any rate, I assumed H2 as that's what the doctor assumed. Fast forward to 8 years ago when I was pregnant, they gave me a blood test which said H1. Good news, I guess, but it didn't really impact my life as I was married and had disclosed long ago.


So, now I'm divorced and getting back into dating. I've met someone and things are progressing. And I'm trying to get my facts straight for the disclosure talk.


My first question is, does anyone know the primary source for these transmission rates and asymptomatic shedding rates on the disclosure sheet? I see those stats elsewhere, but I don't truly know where they came from originally.


Question 2 is about the transmission rates. I see 4% for F>M. But since the asymptomatic shedding rate for genital H1 is about 1/5 that of genital H2, can I reasonably say that the transmission rate/risk is less than 1% (about 0.8%, and 0.4% with condoms)? If so, is there any other data to back this up?


Last question, I know that about 80% of people already have H1, most likely orally. And I've read that provides some protection against getting H1 again genitally. Does anyone know of any data about that? I haven't seen any real facts/figures.


I am an analytical person, as is he. I haven't had any symptoms in over a decade. I want to paint the most positive picture I can during this discussion, but I also want to be accurate. Any help with the reality and/or the math would be appreciated.

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Wow....u r super analytical but great u want to be totally informed. Dancer is the best to answer ur detailed questions here.


Wonderful that u haven't any symptoms .....sooooo jealous and the fact that u haven't likely means u haven't been shedding much at all as hsv1 doesn't like the genital area or so everyone tells me.


Good luck w everything!!!!

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Hello and welcome!


So regarding the primary sources, I've seen these stats, or stats that are very close to the same numbers, on the CDC website, Westover Heights (one of the top Herpes clinics in the nation), and other trusted sources. I know that Adrial works closely with Dr Peter Leone who is one of the top Herpes doctors in the country as well. Hopefully Adrial can come on and tell you the exact sources, but I can tell you that they are definitely in line with everything I have read (and I've done a LOT of research)


Sadly I have not seen transmission rates that are focused on GHSV1 ... but like you I assume with the lowered asymptomatic shedding that the rates would be closer to the 1% you mention.


Anyone who has HSV1 will have the antibodies to it which is why those with oral H1 have at least *some* protection from it ... however we do have a couple people on here who got H1 in both places ...usually though they got their genital H1 from oral sex with someone because the virus sheds more in it's normal preferred territory.


Adrial may have more accurate stats on these questions. I think that the problem is that the medical world doesn't see a need to have more stats on these things ...as you were told by your doctor, most of them just don't get that it helps us to know because we have a lot to consider when getting to know a partner who may or many not have one OR the other of the Herpes virus's and it DOES affect the transmission data ...which in turn affects what methods of protection we will use.


Sorry that's not a lot of help ...

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Thanks to you both. While my questions are detailed and analytical, my fears and shame are like everyone else. I am terrified to have a discussion I never thought I would have to have again. I didn't even realize how much shame was still there until I started contemplating dating again. I spent years feeling unlovable. And even un f###able. I now realize the few relationships I've allowed myself to have were based on those feelings. Thinking I was lucky anyone would want me. Putting up with issues and behaviors I shouldn't have. I want things to be different , and I'm hoping good information will be a start.

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Here you go


"You know the cold sores people get on their lip? I get them down there. So if you've had a cold sore, you may have the antibodies and it would be difficult for you to get it from me. If you are not sure, then we need to be careful ... HSV1 doesn't shed much but I can take suppressive meds and/or we can use condoms until you get tested. 80% of people have HSV1 so you may have it and not know" …so it would be best if you get tested first so you know for sure. Here's a handout that has some statistics if you are interested...


Handouts + disclosure e-book:





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