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To those with no noticeable symptoms

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I was wondering if there were any females, who have not had any noticeable symptoms, how did you know whether you were "shedding" or having an outbreak. I found out I had H from a culture test done inside my vagina checking for STDs. The doctor said that since I was positive for H it meant I was probably having an outbreak inside my vagina at the time the culture was taken. I never felt any pain or itching or anything to know that I was having an outbreak on the inside. I was told to take the medication when I am having an outbreak which I don't know when I have one since I don't feel it or see it. My boyfriend has not had a test yet, I think he is just accepting that he has it since we have been together for 2 years. I honestly think I got it from him, but I think he is a symptomless carrier. It's been a month and we still haven't had sex because I'm scared to not knowing when the virus is active.




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Best to get a blood test for both you and your bf. Was yours 1 or 2 - herpes has 2 types. It helps to know to figure out shedding rates and also how you could have got it. If it is HSV1 you likely got it from oral sex from your BF and he may be an asymptomatic carrier of the cold sore virus. If it's HSV2, you likely got it from genital sex.


I am not an asymptomatic carrier so I can't respond to your other questions, but using condoms and going on antivirals can help with the shedding.


Once your bf gets tested and you know what type you both have, it will help you formulate a plan.


Good luck

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Hi Pretty,


I have no noticeable symptoms so I'm not really sure you would ever know if you're shedding or having an outbreak. But I think once you know you're positive, which you do now, you might actually notice some symptoms, however mild. I think in a relationship with your lack of symptoms the best you can do is get on anti-virals. First thing to do, like whitedaisies said, is get your bf tested. If he has the same type of herpes you have then there's nothing to worry about.



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I have type 1 & 2 as well (since age 3 and 17 respectively) ... so having both isn't really any worse than having one for the most part ;)


If you are shedding, you won't know ...because it's asymptomatic ... ie, absence of symptoms. So noone can tell you how to know you are shedding. Internal OB's are tough because you may not feel them. I don't know if anyone can tell you how to tell with internal OB's unless perhaps you get some kind of discharge. At least if yours are totally internal, if your BF doesn't have it, condoms should cover it well.


You should get your BF tested because if you got it from him, it won't matter if you are having OB's or not - you can't give him *more* of the virus... and if not, just make sure to use condoms . ;)



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