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Leg out breaks

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Does anyone get ob on there legs ? I'm still not sure what it is or of this is normal I had a bump on my left mid tight near the inner part and it was small almost looked like a water blister with fluid inside I had this once before and I'm treating as a outbreak there's no sever pain more like annoying feeling that it's there some times I even forget I have it covered with a bandaid so it doesn't spread I have hsv 1 and my first and only ob that I know of was in oct and it was probably the worst expericance so much pain and discomfort and it was vaginally is it normal to have a minor ob somewhere so far from the original with thank god no problems in the original spot and has this happened to any one

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Your best bet is that if you get another one you get it swabbed... don't pop it... they need to get the fluid in it for the culture. It *sound* like an OB but it could also be a strong reaction to something like poison ivy, contact dermatitis or whatever.


Some people get autoinnoculated on other parts of their body when they first get the virus. Wrestlers often have it on their arms and legs because they are in a skin-to-skin situation where if their opponent has an OB on the lip, it gets spread to other areas when they are pinning the other or whatever. It's usually a minor issue... and easy to cover with a bandaid to protect others if that is what you have. But get it swabbed... just so YOU know ;)

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