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I'm honestly not quite sure how I feel being recently diagnosed with herpes. I guess for me, it almost seems pointless thinking back on my reaction when I first found out because I know the negative is not going to help me move forward and live my life. I've focused on being so hard on myself at times that I know that with this situation I just shouldn't do that because the outcome is never positive when you don't completely love or in my case, care for myself the way that I should have. I know that you must acknowledge your mistakes and I have...I would just like to move forward in whatever way that I can so that I don't feel so ashamed anymore

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Hi there Im pretty new to this too and thats crazy thats what i was just thinking too. Life is life and we dont want to be negative even tho its hard for anyone we have no choice. This truely sucks butreally i reacted way more calmly than i thought I would. N gooling n seeing those gruesome images dont help. But what can we do ya know this gives us no choice but to keep us in check happy healthy and living is a way we can look at it. If you need to talk i know I do at times I can def use an h buddy stay strong n positive those points u made are right on. I have my moments of breaking down but i know those will pass too

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Hello and Welcome!


First - you are having a "normal" reaction to the diagnosis .. it's amazing now we can beat ourselves up for something that we wouldn't blink at if it happened to a friend. Yes, some people made a "mistake" and got the virus ... but many are in committed relationships and acquire it from an unwitting carrier too. We've even had virgins who got it through Oral Sex. And a 70-something woman who was finally allowing herself to look for love and companionship again. Herpes is an Equal Opportunity Virus. It doesn't care if you are old/young, rich/poor, promiscuous/virtuous. It's just looking for the next body to inhabit and it will take advantage of any possibility to get passed on. It's done it successfully for thousands of years .... so well that 80% of the carriers have no idea they have it. Slippery little bastard, isn't it?


So - spend as much time as you can on here. The Success Stories section will help you realize that having H doesn't mean you can't find love. The Inspirational pages are full of great shares and thoughts and breakthroughs from those who are further along in their journey. Check them out.


You will be fine ... be gentle on yourself. We are all human beings, being human. Without mistakes, how would we learn? You are now smarter and wiser than you were a few weeks ago. You have a chance to make better choices in life. And while the lesson wasn't one you asked for, in the long run, it will be a pretty minor inconvenience... take it from a 35 yr veteran.... things could be a LOT worse than having Herpes ;)




You may want to start with these links too....


Handouts + disclosure e-book:

http://eepurl.com/b4IPP (great for general info and educating yourself and others)


http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3296/this-is-water-this-is-water- Choice


http://www.supporttruthanddialog.com (my blog)


Herpes facts video
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