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when does everything stop being herpes??

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so I went thru an itchy phase right after I had my diagnosis ( try working outdoors in florida in the summer and NOT itching) and now im in this, what the hell is that? a bug bite, a pimple or another OB? and I worry about ocular herpes every damned time my eye(s) itch, worse, I work in construction so if I get dust in my eye I end up worrying all day if ive gotten ocular herpes. ( like today) arrrgggggg curse you perry the platypus!!!!

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Oh I hear you.. Every tingle.. Every itch.. Any and every sensation no matter where I feel it FREAKS me out! It's only been a week, but it's still all I can think about. I keep trying to stay distracted, but I find myself thinking of it constantly. I'm wondering myself when I'll be able to stop thinking about it and just LIVE my life again... :-/

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Seeker...I can see you have a son that watches Phineas and Ferb....I love that show!!!! Great cartoon!!! Been to Disney World like a zillion times and I know it's corny but I soooo absolutely love it!!!! Kid at heart I guess or maybe reality is too harsh and like to be in fantasyland for a while.


So do you wear eye protection at work....you should....scolding mom mode....lol.....if you have hsv2 it won't spread to your eyes easily....its really if you have oral herpes, the virus can travel along nerves to your eyes....but always be careful not to touch your eyes after using the restroom or washing your man parts.


Itching is common but like you said, until more time has passed you won't know what itch is from what.


I don't know how you manage doing construction in Florida.....the heat must kill ya especially in the summer....the humidity....ugh! Anyway, try wearing looser boxers as that may help and make sure you are wearing cotton pants for work to help with air circulation....that should help prevent itchiness.....some people on here have also mentioned baby powder to dry up area from sweating which I am sure is an issue for you.


Good luck

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Oh or corn starch someone said too.....


I haven't used either, but you could give it a try


Also, try to take an epsom salt bath after work instead of shower....that might dry up anything that maybe creeping up due to the heat and moistness as herpes like that!!!


Maybe you could also try suppressives in the summer months...can't remember if you are already....may help you with autoinocculation too!!

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So - reality check here - the majority of Ocular Herpes is in children - because they get HSV1 oral, pick the scabs and poke at their eyes ... it's much more rare in adults.....exactly because of how you are reacting ... adults with H are so worried about OH that they take a whole lot of precautions to keep from getting it :)


That said, any time I get any kind of sore "down there" I assume it's H - as in, I won't have sex while it's there. The vast majority nowadays for me are likely ingrown hairs and rubs, but I won't take a chance - the difference between us is I don't freak out ... I just observe that my body has something "off" and if I have a partner, we just use that time to get freaky in some other way >:)



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thanks guys and gals. dancer I know I know but im new to this whole Herpes game and still learning and in that whole every freakin bump anywhere could be it????? paranoia stage. after looking up OH ( and whatever you do, don't google the pics, yikes)I realized its mainly from H1 not 2.


whitedaisies, off course I wear protection ( theres a joke in there somewhere). the older I get the more safe I try to be at work because all those stupid little accidents i rubbed dirt in as a youth now hurt, dhoh. Yes, my son and I use to watch Phineas and ferb a lot but it has died down over here. still like the show ( catchy little toons, squirrels, squirrels, squirrels in my pants. first time we saw that one we were literally on the floor laughing) but he has graduated to more grown up stuff, modern family, big bang, whose line is it anyway, simpsons. I have found nuking my bathing suit area with hydrogen peroxide ( which is apparently Hell on earth for viruses, rips them apart from the inside, insert evil laugh) after a shower, letting it sit then patting it dry helps with the general itching, at least till the next morning. we in florida call it ( not referring to STIs) swamp crotch cause about 10 minutes outside and you are soaked. ive had days where I look as if I just stepped out of a pool fully dressed ( which looks far better than the alternative)


chinup, I here ya. im just under 3 weeks ( is getting herpes like having a baby in that you say age in weeks for a bit, then months, then years, then how the hell did I get this old?)

since my diagnosis, about a year since what I believe was my first OB and it was an absolute mess. 3 days straight of 103.5 fever, 2 days of 102.5 then 2 weeks on and off low grade, horrible aches and a throat that wanted to kill me ( eating ice cream hurt) then bells palsy ( which has completely cleared up except how it affected my taste). and now I worry about every itch and bump everywhere, about auto inoculation and casual transmission. I know intellectually that its just paranoia and most cant happen,esp since if ive had it a year it WOULD HAVE by now because I wasn't as careful a month ago as I am now. esp when a dr told me I had molluscum.


and now my plans for Saturday have fallen thru and ive nothing on my plate for this weekend dammit. gotta find something to do to feel normal again, my H meetup isn't doing anything this weekend last I looked. dancer, daisies, chinup, lets all go out and get a drink and dance our collective arses off!!!!!! I can cut a mean rug when im with women I know.

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So. . Word from the wise. . Get off of Google... ESPECIALLY Google images! It's the stuff that nightmares are made of :(


Also. . Assuming you have had it for a year (from what you wrote) is highly unlikely you can auto inoculate yourself. .. that usually only happens in the first few months while you are building antibodies. ;)

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id love to but im out of paid days off this year other than holidays. just did a vacation up in the nc mountains and had a good time. plus once you saw my ugly mug all the forum fun would come to a screeching halt. :)


and dancer, yes google and bing images are what nightmares are made of, the national enquirer of the internet. if you want to see the worst case scenario then use those.

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Hi there:) I am right there with you. In the beginning I thought I was a walking virus! To everyone including myself. Don't believe everything you read. I wear contacts so I was very concerned as well. So here are a few funny ones! I thought I could no longer be intimate with anyone and If I had my own party I had rubber gloves and a Vat of lube LOL! And when I started being intimate again I had a giant pump bottle of anti bac by the bed and the moment we were done I was slathering us both down with it lol! romantic right! Lol!

so now Ive taken it down 12 notches! The gloves are off!! Just be cautious with fluids and the eyes. Especially if you have an OB You are fine and you are normal as time passes you will realize how to have balance in what works for you.

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