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What if new person does not get test after I asked 6 times

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last weekend I went out on a first date POF and the guy started talking about sex after a few drinks wanting me to go home with him. i just said nothing. He was my age and was treating me nicely otherwise. then he said lets go to movies. so i said ok. in moves he put his hand under my skirt. i said nothing and just moved away. then when he texted me two days later i toid him off . do these men really think us woman will jump into bed with them so easily? and risk our health? Disenchanted with mens behavior.

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sigh, im guessing he is in the under 35 crowd? not saying there aren't cads in my generation but I wouldn't dare just put my hand under a womans skirt on a date nor would I be bringing up sex that soon. on behalf of my gender I apologize. dump the bum and then sell the dump truck you dumped him with.

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last weekend I went out on a first date POF and the guy started talking about sex after a few drinks wanting me to go home with him. i just said nothing. He was my age and was treating me nicely otherwise. then he said lets go to movies. so i said ok. in moves he put his hand under my skirt. i said nothing and just moved away. then when he texted me two days later i toid him off . do these men really think us woman will jump into bed with them so easily? and risk our health? Disenchanted with mens behavior.


@seeker - sorry but there are a lot of guy in their 50's who do this too .... *sigh* ... and joancharlotte is a grandma like me :(


@joancharlotte - OK - here's the deal. He's not into YOU - he just wants to GET into you. Period. He's not even trying very hard to cover that up. He also has no regard for HIS health so he's not going to worry about yours. Only 3 words for this one...




Don't stay with someone just because you want to be in a relationship. Take it from someone who has tried that a few times - doesn't work... not worth your time or tears :(

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@ dancer, really? damn I mustve been raised right then. I still hold the door for a woman open the car, get out and pump her gas, etc. southern mom for the win.


I will say this, with no outward signs most people, esp men are not going to go to the doctor. however every relationship I ever entered we always did an std test before going all out ( a test I now know doesn't include H1 nor H2).

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