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allergy meds and herpes

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well the weather is changing to some degree here in sweaty florida ( thank the Gods) and already my allergies have been above normal. a rainy end to summer has all the plants listening to barry white and marvin gaye, making goo goo petals at each other. so I thought I read somewhere about anti histamines and such having affects on OBs? I usually take a Claritin but try to avoid as much as possible. sometimes I use a netti pot. so any words of wisdom about this?

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I dont have experience with allergies...

but, im not so sure that an anti hystamine would affect herpes.

i would however assume, (just i.m.o.) that not taking an antihystamine, would mean your allergies would kick in, therefor causing a weaker immune system, which could cause an o.b.


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I think if u can stop the allergy from causing symptons, then the body has time to focus on herpes.

for example im celiac, so if i avoid foods that hurt me, my body feels healthy, if i eat wheat or rhy or barly, my immune system shuts down, and i think tyats what caused an o.b. for me back in febuary and april.

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Antihistamines work on the inflammation process caused by histamines ... a chemical that our body produces in reaction to something we have become allergic to (and allergies are just basically the body's way of over reacting to something). So antihistamines will not help with Herpes.


Some people ask about using creams with antihistamines on their OB's - I tell people it's not likely to help because we are not dealing with histamines with Herpes. As far as I know, they shouldn't affect your OB's if you take them orally either....

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@seeker....I take Zyrtec daily for my allergies and have not had an issue with OB. My OB which have been a few are very minor and I really don't think the allergy meds have any effect on OBs. I also take 500 mg. of Valacyclovir for daily suppression and no issues with taking the meds together either. I think you will be fine with your allergy meds. I'd rather take the allergy meds to cut down on the allergy symptoms so that my immune system stays stronger and doesn't allow my body to get weak and run down to avoid H from taking the upper hand.

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