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Am I a walking biohazard?

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New here...I've had genital herpes for over 2 years now and take Valtrex daily. I live in fear of transmitting it accidentally to my son, kids I take care of or my coworkers. The intelligent side of me says I can't transmit it indirectly but the paranoid side says what if? My hands look like they've been burned because I wash them so much and use hand sanitizer constantly for fear of giving this to someone by accident. Please reassure me that I won't do this :( If this happened I don't think I could live with myself. So scared and depressed. It's bad enough having this without worrying that I'm a walking biohazard. I could start my own store with all the hand sanitizer, hand soap and boxes of gloves I own. My husband thinks I'm crazy...must be nice to not every worry about it! He has it too but never worries or thinks about it. What is the secret to making peace with this???

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Hand sanitizer a don't kill herpes. Stop using it you are burning your skin.


Wash your hands with warm soap and water and dry. It will kill the virus. And moisturizer after you wash....you don't want to create eczema which is a total bit&@ to treat on your hands....I had it for years and it was hell.


I have 3 kids and they haven't got it and they like to sleep in mommys bed too.


I hope you find peace....I am trying too!




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You have gennital herpes. Thats it.

in order for the hsv2 virus to transfer, it needs skin to skin contact. Rubbing, touching the infected area on an h- persons genitals.


Its not in your blood, or any bodily floods. It lives in the nerve at the base of your spine.

and it uses that specific nerve to traval from dormant in the spine to o.b. on the skin.


You are 100 % fine!! and you need not worry about transmission especially since ur hubby has it too!!


Hug, touch, shake hands.... the only suggestions i have is to just wash your hands if you been touching your o.b. ... but that just commen hygiene sense!


One day itll hit ya like a bag of bricks.... and youll realize it really isnt anything to fret about!!



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Hello and Welcome!


We just had this discussion here: ;)




Nooooooo.... you are not a walking biohazard.... as @inka said, if people with H were that contagious everyone on the planet would have it. Remember that 15-20% of people have genital herpes ....


AND ... remember how you got it.... from SEX .... the virus passes from direct SKIN to SKIN contact ..... and while it may live for a little while outside the body in a Pretri Dish, it dies quickly in regular every day situations.


My daughters are 25 and 28 ... when I got H I didn't even think about passing it to them ... just lived NORMALLY and they are H- ... as is my 3 yr old granddaughter. ;)


I did a blog on just this issue awhile back ... hopefully it will put your mind to rest :)







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wow thank you all so much for these comments. They have really helped! 2 of my best friends are nurses and they think I'm crazy for worrying so much about this and I'm starting to see it's not such a big deal. So grateful to have found this place :))

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