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herpes outbreak every month?

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So I just want some feed back I know everyones body is different but is it normal for someone who has had herpes as long as I have to have a outbreak every month?!?! Ok so this is driving me crazy I've had herpes for 5years and no I'm not taking any meds yet (its a long story but I have an appointment set up to see a doctors soon) but I read that after a couple years you hardly ever get outbreaks ...ive had a outbreak every month since July (and ik cuz I write them down) and I feel like they are lasting extremely long so long that sometimes as soon as one heals a couple days later another starts...is anybody else having outbreaks this bad?

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If you went from a "normal" number of OB's (2-5) in a year to 1 a month, I'd get your immune system checked out ... in the meantime try to figure out if you are doing anything different that would be stressing your system.


Remind me, are you male/female and rough age? (sorry... late night and I'm too tired to remember your whole story)

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I have had hsv2 for 25 years. My ob's weren't bad when I was younger, maybe 6-8 a yr, sadly not one of the lucky ones with only 2 a yr. My ob's increased significantly as I moved into perimenopause, maybe every 3 weeks. I finally gave up and went on suppressive therapy to get relief. Controlling my sugar, eliminating coffee and nuts wasn't doing anything. I have kept a food/life journal to try and id what my triggers are. I agree with @Dancer, maybe you have some added stress that you don't realize? H can be mysterious, drives me crazy sometimes! Thank goodness for this site and everyone's support and advise. Good luck.

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Well at your age your immune system should be strong enough (especially after it has been "under control" for 5 years.) to control the virus better. I'm *guessing* your hormones or something in that order may be out of balance given how you say it's cycling .. so the best thing you can do is get to an OBGYN and if they don't help, maybe an Infectious Disease specialist.



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