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Prevention and shortening of herpes outbreaks?

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I'm trying to compile a comprehensive list of possible triggers and what I can do to prevent and shorten OB. I had my initial OB 26 years ago and then didn't have any other symptoms until about 1 1/2 years ago. I went through a divorce and the stress just wrecked me. I finally started on Valcyclovier daily, but I continue to have outbreaks. I have noticed a few tips as I have read up on H, but I would appreciate all the input I can get.



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epsom salt baths. tea tree oil on qtip applied to sores. i take a garlic capsule an oil of oregano a couple times a week to boost my immunity. i actually changed my panties to ones that felt less irritating. l-lysine works for some. im not sure it really did anything for me so i stopped.

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I tried valcyclovir, but prefer famvir. I had side effects from the valcyclovir, and do not with famvir. Not sure why, but it works best for me. I don't take it everyday, but only use it when I feel prodome symptoms coming on. I was first diagnosed two years ago, and I still have ob's and lots of prodome tingles, pains, etc.


I prefer not to take medication every day, so I just try and deal with things as they happen. Many people say they have no symptoms after the first year or two, but personally, mine have not slowed down. Many people say, l-lysine, vit c, and a vitamin every day can help. I do the vit c and vitamins. I have also heard that chocolate, nuts, and caffeine worsen ob's. I eat organic, try to avoid the problematic foods, take the antivirals when I feel symptoms, and meditate and decompress on a regular basis. None of these things prevent me from symptoms.


I have also had tons of blood work done to make sure nothing else is wrong with me, and nothing can be found. It is incredibly frustrating.


So, my list of triggers thus far are:


1. menstrual cycles

2. stress

3. not enough sleep

4. chocolate

5. nuts

6. caffeine

7. wearing leggings or tight jeans frequently


When I do end up with a bump or two, I always use straight tea tree oil directly on them.


I hope you start feeling better soon. High stress times for me always create drama inside my body.

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Although my initial outbreak was extreme, now two years in I rarely go to blisters. Last time I felt it coming on, I started acyclovir and that stopped it in its tracks. I cannot say I can correlate stress to my outbreaks. Sometimes I feel like I'm in one continual prodrome battle. Lately, I've gotten away from trying to figure it out actually. I don't know why the virus flares up when it does so I just deal with whatever comes my way. What I have much more control over is the mental anxiety side of h. I've found that focusing on effectively and constructively managing my anxiety is the best way I can take care of myself right now.

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I'm just going to put all the Trigger and Treatment links I have out for you... there's tons of info in them :)



http://www.sandiegohomeopathy.com/downloads/Lysine_Arginine_Foods.pdf Lysine Arginine ratio of foods










Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum






Other Alternative Treatments discussions



http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/1624/herpes-medication-genital-hsv-1-how-to-keep-herpes-outbreaks-clean-dry#Item_22 My discussion amonium Alum)







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