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Antiviral confusion... Please help!

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I'm so confused on how to take these antivirals now!! When I had my initial OB, I was givin a script of 500mg of Valtrex twice a day. When they confirmed that it was H, she bumped it up to 1g twice a day for 10 days.. I finished that and then slowly weaned myself down to no meds. Was off the meds for 4 weeks and was ob free. I had my second ob and decided to stay on the suppressive dose of 500mg daily once that one cleared up. Well, to my surprise, I had ANOTHER ob just 3 weeks later!! So I doubled up to twice a day and it started clearing up. However, once the blister opened it was terribly painful to pee, so I quadrupled up like my first ob and it was literally gone by the next morning. I only quadrupled at night and that next morning. So I guess my question is, how do you treat episodically? What dose should I take when I feel an ob coming?? I felt the prodrome for this 3rd ob so I doubled up for a few days and when nothing happened,I decided to go back to my regular dose. Then a few days later it was there. Should I have taken the higher dose longer? I am just so confused. And how long after the ob should I stay on a higher dose to make sure that it's gone? Any advice would be great! Thank you :-)

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this can be confusing. some people kind of wing it. my suppressive rx is 400mg acyclovir 2x a day and when I had an episodic rx it was 3x a day fro 5 days. all antivirals do is inhibit the viruses ability to replicate, they do not kill the virus, your body still has to do that. one issue seems to be people think of antivirals like antibiotics.


and even on suppressive you can still have OBs, they are just usually shorter and less aggressive.

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Thank you @seeker.. My dr wasn't too helpful when I asked how to do this. You're right, I guess it doesn't really help it "heal", it more or less stops it from getting worse? I guess I should be pretty thankful then that it healed so quickly!! I noticed this bump Monday night and it was gone by Thursday. So maybe I should stay doubled up for a few days to make sure it's completely gone. This sucks. I wish my Drs were more helpful. They seem to not really give two shits.

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Hi Chinup. Yea, healing in 3-4 days is pretty good so early on. I agree the meds don't help it heal faster they help it not be so darn bad. But when I have one, I like to use lemon blam. It helps relieve the itching and heal quicker. Also, using the Monistat Creme that comes with the yeast infection kits is awesome! Best of luck to you. Love your user name. Trust me it gets better :-)

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Thank you @breezyttw and @dancer :-) yea, this time I used peroxide a few times a day and I'm thinking that might have helped dry it out and heal so fast! I am still doubling up a few more days to make sure it's gone.. I am just feeling constant weird things and it's so confusing!!! Thank you all for your help and advice!!! I'm defintely hoping it gets better lol! My anxiety seems to be through the roof these days about it, I'm trying to relax a bit bc I know it feeds off of my stress!

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