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This is my herpes story, I am a 48 year old mother of two divorced 3 years after a 22 year marriage. In that time I graduated college got a good job but was just trying to find a descent person to get to know. I met someone on facebook talked for a year. I finally had the opportunity to meet drove down to Louisiana. I figured I was safe after all his mom was there. This person was on drugs and recently off, was very thin and I kept asking if he had anything. Of course mom and him said no. Two weeks later I started to feel burning went in for a blood test and came back with herpes 2. I tested negative for HIV but will need to go back in 6 months. I knew better but yet I trusted because mom was there figured I was safe I was wrong. Now mom and him changed numbers and I really don't know all he has. So to everyone out there always be protected and don't believe anyone trust your gut instincts. A lesson learned the hard way.

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my result on the lgg is 1.1 positive for hsv 1 and 2 and I had nothing prior to this but as I am reading and learning about this disease more and more you can have this and not even know you do. I just find it strange I showed symptoms after this encounter. The burning lead to a blister above my eye. I don't see anything anywhere else.

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Aww sorry to hear you went through that!!! Its very liekly this man didnt even know he had anything, most people who have hsv dont know it because they are asymptonmatic (show no signs, have no prodromes).

But wait.....


Above your eye!?! I.m.o. that doesnt sound like herpes friend. It may be something else. Your best bet is to get a culture swab to identify what it actually is.


as for hsv1 aka the coldsire virus, 80% of our population has this so dont worry about that.

and as for hsv2, as hard as being diagnosed with it can be, its really no big deal!! I promise u that!!

Search up the facts and stats in the f.a.q. section. Itll help u understand things a lil better..

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my result on the lgg is 1.1 positive for hsv 1 and 2 and I had nothing prior to this but as I am reading and learning about this disease more and more you can have this and not even know you do. I just find it strange I showed symptoms after this encounter. The burning lead to a blister above my eye. I don't see anything anywhere else.


Well, first of all, a 1.1 result *could* be a false positive or it may be because you were tested so soon after your exposure... so I would go back in 3-4 months. Results between 1.1 and 3.5 have a 40% false positive rate. So when you get the HIV re-test, get HSV as well. If the result is still below 3.5 you may want to take the Western Blot test which is the Gold Standard of STD testing.


Were you tested for UTI's. yeast infections, etc?


I agree with @willow that if you have another blister over the eye, get it swabbed ... it may or may not be related.


One thing that Herpes DOES do for us is to make us make smarter choices about who we date... so whatever your eventual result, perhaps you will take this as a learning experience and not get intimate until you *see* the other person's STD results (and have yours there for them to see too :) )



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