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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

Awesome disclosure OWN IT!

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I wanted to share a once-in-a-lifetime experience that happened to me today. I started attending a woman's motivational group a couple of months ago we get together once a month. We talked about current events life's issues women, men, children anything that we feel are important issues. Strangely enough today one of the subjects was about stigma related to different things in life however none of them were speaking about herpes. In that moment something inside of me stirred. And I knew that this was my moment it's a group of about 10 women I know two of them from my career in television. When they came around the table and it was my turn I instantly decided that I was going to disclose. So I just started speaking and honestly, I felt completely confident and safe disclosing in the company of these 10 women. And I just told everyone that I had been diagnosed with HSV 2 herpes. I actually used both of those words. It was amazing to me that I made this disclosure with such strength and confidence there was not even a flutter in my stomach. The women were so accepting and so loving with me just me being me. I honestly felt so proud of myself and so empowered! The women gave me nothing but encouragement and said that they thought I had a voice that could help so many others that maybe did not feel as confident as I did.

I feel like when I made this disclosure it was so easy and just flowed right off of my lips with such pride it really was awesome! The women were so kind and a couple of them actually have their own women's groups as well and have invited me to come and speak there as well. Thanks for letting me share I think it's nice when we hop on here and we're able to talk about things that we experience. I would always want to share with each and everyone of you I feel that you are all in my heart and we are all here for each other. Xoxo

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the woman are right , use your voice to help so many others that maybe did not feel as confident as you do .....go for it and make it to all of us a shameless live....great person you are. Thanks for sharing....go on with it, send you good spirit for the next groups you invited for...go and make a difference. Have a great day Peggy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

you are so awesome! Thank you for the kind words. Listen don't rush yourself at first its like the stigma and fear continue to sneak in on a daily basis. Once you try to stop the negative emotion that comes with it like practice it like a pattern every time herpes enters your mind in a negative way to think about something positive that it has done for you or your life. Do you know what I mean?what I can tell you about my own personal experience is that I knew I would not survive if I was minimized or less of a person because I have herpes. But make no mistake I'm human too I have my moments sometimes I'm scared and sometimes the stigma starts to creep in. But I immediately put it to a stop because I know it just makes everything ugly. And that is one of the first things that changed in my life was that it made me less judgmental towards others. I thought of all the ways in my life that I had judged people through ignorance and not knowledge. I would love to chat sometime. we all need support when it comes to this including myself :-) we are all in the same boat and I think it's awesome that we all support each other. I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season! Big hugs Peggy

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