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Herpes Treatment

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Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with this STI one year ago. Every since then I've been praying and hoping that it would either go away or a cure would be discovered. Every so often I search the web to see if there have been any new developments or clinical trials I can participate in. With that said I came upon a couple if findings from Google that intrigued my interest and would like some feedback from fellow sufferers. Of course there are advertisements claiming to cure herpes, and I am in no way promoting any particular Dr or drug, but has anyone heard of this "erase herpes" lady or tried the product? I'd like to know if this works.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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Havent heard of it. But if this cure worked dont u think the entire medicall industry would be crazy about it? Pharmasists would be begging managers to cary it in their store. It would be all over the news. And mr @Adrial probably would have mentioned something, as hes always researching new info to share wish us!


U could deffinatly try it, and see if your symptons go away!! Theres no hurt intrying!

... but it wont take the virus away. To manage symptons is easier than managing the virus itself...


-Virus particles (known as virions) consist of two or three parts: i) the genetic material made from either DNAor RNA, long molecules that carry genetic information; ii) a protein coat that protects these genes; and in some cases iii) an envelope of lipids that surrounds the protein coat when they are outside a cell.



... so if im understanding this right, we need something that is able to break the protien barrier, and then we can attack the genetic material.


Viruses dont go away. The common cold, warts (hands and toes), hiv, hsv, hpv,..

Unfotunatly, we are stuck with the virus untill someone can break down the protiens, and gennetic material.

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The main reason we can't get rid of Herpes is because of how well it hides in the Nerve Ganglion where the meds can't get to it ... it's had thousands of years to figure out how to get itself passed on and avoid our antibodies :(




Nothing will "erase" herpes. It *may* help your body to fight it off, but that is the best you can hope for. Better/cheaper ways to help your body to control the virus are listed in our Treatment links here:








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum




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