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Is it true that MOST people with HSV2 never get symptoms/outbreak?


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Yep, 80% of people who have herpes don't know they have it. However, that doesn't mean they don't have outbreaks! A lot of people mistake what are actually outbreaks for ingrown hairs, infection, chafing, etc. Denial is partly the reason, the other is lack of education and knowledge. And in reference to the title of this post, it's not true that most people never get herpes symptoms or outbreaks. 20% of people who have herpes will never have an active outbreak. That doesn't mean that herpes can't be transmitted, tho. The whole dealy about asymptomatic viral shedding applies to all carriers of HSV.


Here are related posts about all this to read up further and get all educated and knowledgeable! :)





And a video I made about "herpes facts" ...


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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-I've been with a girl who has HSV2. We started having sex late April through early August, sometimes without condoms (She told me about it late august).

-I got tested and it came back negative

-Kept seeing her after that, had sex, but with condoms.

-last month, the condom broke, and the next morning, I started feeling a tingly sensation on my scrotum and near my anus. ( I'm aware that HSV2 takes 2-3 days before showing symptoms).

-I still feel these sensations to this day (I'm also aware that itchy/tingly sensation do not last for more then 2 days)

-There are no sores/lesions where I feel the sensation.

-However, I've been to the doctor 5-6 times in the last few weeks and showed him some of the pimples I have on my thighs. He said that they are just ingrown hairs. He also said that the sensations are in my head (It's possible, but I don't know why its been dragging on for a month long)

-I was also seeing another girl. I had sex with her maybe 3 or 4 times after I started having sex with the girl who has HSV2.

-She said that she tested positive for HSV on her pap smear (didn't mention which type). The doctor told her that she does not have an OB, but that she is a carrier. She is going for a blood test for more accurate results.


*Just to be clear, I was friends with benefits with both girls. I was never in a monogamous relationship with either one.


I do have some ingrown hairs on my thighs, but these just seem different

http://imgur.com/a/ebeyb (The pictures are on my thigh and ankle, so it's SFW)


What are your thoughts? Should I go see a urologist?




Really hard to tell just on sight alone (which is why so many people mistake actual herpes outbreaks for ingrown hairs and the like). Best thing to do if you have something "swab-able" then definitely head to the doc and insist on getting it cultured. He'll stick a Q-tip in there and send it off to get tested directly. That's the best thing to do. How did you get tested? Because it takes 3-4 months after exposure for herpes can come up positive in blood tests (if you do indeed have it).


Here's a link to learn more about herpes tests:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:


I did a blood test for IgG antibodies or something like that in early august (so about 3 months after I started seeing her). It was .091 for both HSV1 and HSV2.


Are you sure she was tested for HSV and not HPV? Pap smears are used to identify abnormal cervical cells caused by HPV. It's likely that she's a carrier of HPV without any warts, as up to 80% of people acquire HPV in their lifetime. The body usually is able to take care of it on its own within a few years. Just want to be clear that she wasn't actually tested for HPV instead.


She said she also tested positive for HPV. She was confusing me too, but I didn't want to bother her with too many questions.


Girl #2 just plain needs to do the blood test... Pap Smears don't test for Herpes :/


Right now, going on your bloodwork, you are H- ... I might re-test in 2-3 months, but sounds like you are either dealing with your brain freaking you out or you have something else going on.


What kind of Dr are you going to? Family Dr's/PCP's are notorious for being out of date on their info and understanding. I'd go to a dermatologist or Infectious Disease Dr or Planned Parenthood for tests and better support and info


I was actually seeing a pediatric doctor (I'm 20). I recently called my insurance company to change doctors, but they can't see me till Jan. 7th. Should I see a dermatologist or a urologist?


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