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The language we use when describing herpes

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Hi all!


I hope everyone is having a great week. I have enjoyed being in the background for the most part over the past few weeks as I have dealt with depression. I start counseling tomorrow and am looking forward to a church support group I joined to get over past hurts. However, today I think I might have had a slight break through. I really think I have been thinking about herpes in such a negative way that has me still feeling shame after 6months (post diagnosis). I thought to myself, what if I reframed it? Do you think it would be wrong for me to describe herpes as cold sores that come up in an inconvenient place?


Don't see anything wrong with that as lots of other people think about it and explain it that way.


As long as it helps you deal with it in a good way, and to not be in denial about H, there is no right or wrong way handling this diagnose.

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