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Was the first OB the worst for most? Wife won't go to doc

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I see where Mr. H was saying its nothing more than a bump. My body is having pain I have never had all over plus the peeing still not back to normal after month? I know I have been told it's my body dealing with virus. For most of you that had a bad painful first ob was that the worst? Or do you still get all the other pain that comes with it and the not being able to pee thing every time? People that have cold sores don't seem to have problem with there face. My hole bottom half of body feels out of wack. As of now that's what I have hsv1 I hope It goes it it's shell and never comes out . My wife will not go to doc she has small blisters that have not opened how long do u think that will take to heal with no meds we need to get it on bad has been over a month and that is pulling us apart we were very active before this?


I know my first was the worst. It lasted 3 weeks total. Your body doesn't have enough antibodies built up to fight it off yet, thats why the first one is usually always the most intense. HSV1 usually doesn't have as many or as bad of outbreaks as people with HSV2. Without treatment it may take longer to heal because antivirals help speed up recovery time, so anywhere from 2-6 weeks with the first ob. She may want to get seen as soon as possible before the blisters break down to ulcers that are extremely painful.


Thanks hers seem to have gotten smaller or not changing much . don't think she is going to go wish she would because I do not want her in pain. She said she wouldn't of known they were there if she hadn't been looking for something . Mind came up first only one time of having sex when I didn't think it was anything and was told that it was nothing first visit and she gets it? She is thinking she gave it to me from oral never seen her with cold sore but she got them as a kid ?or have had it long time from blood work was a pos 5. Shouldn't she of had some protection from H 1 in genitals if she already had it "cold sores " maybe why she has no other symptoms.


Yea my blisters didn't hurt until they ruptured. Then it becomes a raw open sore and anything that touches will be very uncomfortable. Even if she didn't have visible cold sores its still a chance of viral shedding and she could have exposed you to the virus. It sounds to me since her blisters aren't bothering her much that it could very well be HSV1 that she has instead of the other. The only way to be sure though is to get proper testing.


Again, your result of a 5 says odds are very high you have had this awhile. However, if that is the case and it's HSV1, she has some antibodies to it and whatever she has may not be herpes, and you won't know if she won't go for a test. It could well be something else all together.


As for "getting it on" - once again there are a lot of other ways to be intimate than just going at it like rabbits ... go back to the post where I listed some ideas and try them out ... herpes can HELP you to become more intimate in ways you never dreamed of but you gotta actually make the effort!


*Usually* the first Ob is the worst ... but as with everything Herpes, every person is different and some have it worse than others. You won't know until you have been through it how it will go for you :/

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