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Antivirals and blood tests


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Thank you! I'm still having issues with my lips feeling irritated. Almost like a burning sensation under the skin along with general dryness (I know weather has some to do the the drying) my last tests (dec2) came back negative. I now have a red spot on my lip. I smiled a couple of days ago and felt a little soreness in this spot and now it's red and looks like broken skin. It seems to be in one of the creases of my lip.


I just don't know what to do..

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I will be going to a dermatologist to see what he says and he can take a look. It's just for some reason I can't get this hsv thing out of my head and these symptoms I'm having.


I've read some forums with people who have the "prodrome symptoms" (like tingling or burning) for months and months without a positive blood test. So then that makes me think that I could possibly have it and just not seroconverting yet.

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If it will make you feel better, go to the dermatologist... but the odds are good that you are just feeling everything because you are being hyper-vigilant because of your fear of having gotten HSV1 orally from that drink you took after your friend.


Here's something you need to consider. How many people have you kissed in your life? How many friends have you shared a drink with? Eaten off the same spoon? Etc Etc Etc. Odds are 80% of them had Oral Herpes and you didn't know it, and you haven't got it yet. It's very rare for an adult to get it from another adult... 60% of kids have it by the time they are young adults ... so that brings down your risk factors.... either way, odds are you have been exposed to plenty of people with HSV1 orally already ... so why are you freaking out about this one? If they hadn't told you, would you be that worried about what may well be chapped lips or a food allergy?


Hopefully the dermatologist can give you some information that will help you ... and I'm willing to bet they will say it's some other cause ;)



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I really appreciate you taking time to deal with my anxiousness :) I know that's probably a big part of my problem.


I think the reason I'm freaking about this one is bc I've never noticed these symptoms until after I took the drink after her this time.

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