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Looking for a new perspective. . . And advice

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So obviously I need a fresh perspective. A new way to look at my life so I can quit viewing it through "H tinted glasses" so to speak.


I need input. . . I'm already in counseling but what more can I do? What do you all do when this gets you down? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Hey ShaeShae, I saw from your other post that you're having a bit of a hard time. First of all, kudos for taking action and trying to find another way to see things... that's an awesome step in the right direction. But don't feel bad either for feeling down sometimes... we all do. It's normal. If we felt happy and joyful all the time, we wouldn't really have any inclination as to what happiness would feel like. We need the sad and rough times to help us appreciate the moments when joy fills our hearts. I've come to accept those raw feelings as just that, moments that are fleeting, which my heart needs to fully appreciate the moments of joy that I know are imminent. They can't last forever, change is a constant. However, I also know it's not easy to just sit with those feelings either. I have taken up mediation... when my mind starts racing, or I just need to reconnect with myself and find that love within me, I find a quiet spot, take some time and try to quiet those thoughts. I like to repeat positive affirmations, to remind myself that I am beautiful and worthy. I take deep breaths to remind myself to be there in the moment and not worry about tomorrow and what it might bring, because I really have no control over any of it. I also try to reconnect with nature, take walks and appreciate all that surrounds me, to just be here to appreciate everything in its glory. So many other people don't have the luxury to walk, to see, to feel healthy and smile; there are so many little things to feel grateful for and getting out in nature and staying awake in those moments reminds me of that. Another thing I want to do more of in 2015 is volunteer ... I think that giving to others is a great way to- 1) help those who might not be as fortunate, 2) focus less on myself and my own perceived issues and 3) reaffirm how truly lucky I am to have this life. Reading is always a great way to gain different perspectives too. Visit a book store or go online and find book recommendations that might help change the mentalities and biases that we form over the course of our lives based on our interpretations or experiences. Books can always help you to consider a different way of doing, thinking or feeling. Hope this helps a bit, and reach out if you need us.

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