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Hsv2 orally?

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Hi guys,

I have been tested for hsv2 genital via a swab.. I am at the same time came up with these white pin head cluster dots all over my top lip.. Went back to doc and said its sebaceous glands /Fordyce spots.. My gf said her mouth was really itchy and about 4-6 days later she noticed the spots on her lips.. I know you can auto inoculate yourself in the first OB but no dr/Dermo seems to believe this is oral herpes as there has been no blisters/ulcers just itchy white spots (around 4 weeks now present)


Totally confused and seems like a massive coincidence these showed up at the same time.. Does anyone have this or know anything about it aside from te chances being 1%

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There have been a few folks on our forums in the past who have claimed that they have oral HSV-2, but I don't remember how many of them actually got what they thought to be an oral outbreak swabbed to know for sure. My suggestion to you is to insist that the doctor does swab these spots on your lips and her lips and test it directly. That will be the only way to know for sure. But you're right. The odds are in your favor that it's not oral HSV-2 since 98% of HSV-2 shows up below the belt.




This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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