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Herpes Talk with Long Distance Guy

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I am possibly going to be disclosing to a man I met from a mainstream dating site. We met in person for the first time last week. We are quite long distance, so I am still not sure what's happening with the situation, but we definitely hit it off when we met. I was not necessarily looking for something long distance, but had my distances preferences on said dating site open to my home state (as I would entertain the idea of moving back there to be near family, if I met someone great there;however, that always seemed like a remote possibility given the normal characteristic of the men in that largely rural, conservative state). He lives a couple of hours from my hometown, and I met him over the recent holidays when I was visiting family. I am still not sure if I am going to be getting to the point of disclosure with him because so far we have just been texting (he's been initiating communications since the meetup, so I feel like he is certainly into me) but haven't scheduled a follow up visit yet. I am inviting input about how the disclosure should best be handled, if we seem like we're moving towards a rendezvous. I do not like the thought of phone or email disclosure, but I would not travel all the way back there (and certainly would not have him travel here) without the talk having happened.


Keep in mind this will be my first "talk", as I received the gift during a serious LTR which ended several months back.


First things first, have you downloaded the free ebook on disclosure? (Linked to in the right sidebar here.)


Secondly, there have been quite a few threads on this forum on long-distance disclosures. If you scan through this disclosure category, you'll see quite a bit of great ideas and advice. Ultimately, disclose when and where "feels" right to you. Don't force it. Be authentic. Welcome any nervousness. (It shows you care, after all.)


Good luck and please keep us posted!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks Adrial, I did download the ebook. I appreciated it! I will look for the other threads on LD disclosure. Also, sorry for the double post.

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