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Anyone with Herpetic Whitlow.

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I have oral, genital and herpetic whitlow all in the same exposure. My biggest concern is shedding from my finger. If anyone on these forums has herpetic whitlow, please reply. Do you come in close contact with others when there is no outbreak? Does the virus shed from the cuticle/finger? I'm very concerned because there is very little information about herpetic whitlow online. And doctors don't have many answers. I'd like to know from anyone who has experience.


Should I keep my finger covered at all times? Do I have to avoid contact with any infant skin?


I don't have any experience with Whitlow but maybe just understanding on how the virus works will give you the answers you need?


For instance, if it were me, I'd start somewhere like..I know the virus is skin on skin contact (friction?) but doesn't it need mucous membranes and/or some type of moisture to spread? So, keep it covered during an outbreak and otherwise just use normal common sense. (Not letting an infant suck on your finger for instance).


OK - stepping in here:


I already explained that you need (as @MMissouri said) friction/rubbing to transfer the virus ... NOT casual contact from dry, unbroken skin. so don't worry about the "microscopic cuts" on the infants face.... again, I certainly wouldn't do a diaper change with an OB without covering it somehow, and if you are a worrier, you may want to use the finger cots that I suggested for every diaper change ... that would remove the worry and they are really cheap. And I think Missouri made a good point of not letting the baby suck on THAT finger (any other one would be ok)


Otherwise... you should be FINE. HW usually settles down and hardly causes an issue once you develop the antibodies ;)

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