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Throat herpes? (HSV-2)

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Hello. I'm a 27 year old gay male and unfortunately contracted HSV-2 in my throat from my now ex-boyfriend. He had told me 3 months into our relationship and I accepted it because i saw a future with him and was very careful. Not careful enough however...I contracted it 9 months into our relationship and manifested itself as a throat infection. I then went to my doctor and got a swab test and came out positive. I accepted it at that point because, like I said, I thought we were going to be together for the long haul. We broke up recently (we were together for 1 year, 4 months) and i'm having a very difficult time coping with all this. I feel like i'm never going to find anyone and no one will accept this. I can't find a lot of information on throat HSV-2 and was wondering what the transmission rates are and any other useful information there is that will help me be able to help me calm down and deal with this better. I'm self conscious to do anything orally. I just feel like there is no hope and that i'm going to be alone forever and it's causing me anxiety. Thank you for any help.




Hello and Welcome!


I have to be honest, I don't know that there are any stats on transmission rates because H2 in the throat is so rare... however, given that HSV2 really doesn't like the area (as with HSV1 genitally) I would *think* that once your body has it under control that the shedding should be a lot lower than it would be genitally.


Let me get @Adrial onto this .. perhaps he has some info or he can get it for you.... but for now, try not to allow this to stop you from living life.... wherever we have Herpes, we CAN manage it. The biggest thing is learning your symptoms and just plain being cautious about having intimate relations when *either* person has any kind of irritation or break in the skin in the area where we are going to play.... if you add anti-virals, things get even safer and of course condoms would help in your case too.... so there ARE things you can do to keep from passing it on.... you just need to learn what they are and take some extra care before jumping into bed with someone ;)




Hi jmac11, there was a post recently from someone else with HSV2 in her throat (http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5455/oral-hsv-2-strikes-again#Item_2), so you are certainly not alone... there might be some information in her discussions that can help you. And there are probably more cases out there than we think, as a sore throat can easily be misdiagnosed. No matter what you are not alone... we are all facing the same stigma/issues/pains, no matter where we have herpes. And someone will love you and accept you fully, just as you had decided to accept you ex boyfriend. Take it one day at a time and work on changing those self-limiting thoughts. You deserve to be loved and you will be. Reach out when you need us, we are all here for you.


@WWCSDancer2010 @JessikaRabbit89 @PositivelyBeautiful


Thank you all for your help. It's been really hard picturing a future with someone now that I have to live by my mistake. But I also know things can be worse and this is just a small detail in the bigger picture of life. I'm trying to stay positive and try to live with it the best way possible. Thanks again. I'm happy there is somewhere I can for support.


Honey... there are tons of people in loving relationships who have HIV/AIDS with HIV- partners ... and that is a much more dangerous virus ... there are people who are paralyzed and weelchair bound (many of whom did something careless that caused their injuries) who find love. There are tons of situations and illnesses where the person could *believe* they will never find love... yet most do... there's someone for everyone no matter their situation.... so please don't let this virus prevent you from getting out, meeting people, and finding love, ok?

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