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Any details on mild symptoms with herpes?

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I think I fall into the mild category. I've never had any pain associated with an OB since the first one. I can't even say I feel the tingling sensation. I itch, that's my only warning something may pop up. Usually nothing does. I think I may have seen one blister in the past 4 years.

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Well, that's kind of a hard question to answer. I thought my OB was due to rough/constant sex. And we continued to have sex even though it was uncomfortable. I just brushed it off as being sore, so that may have made it much worse than it had to be. By the time I actually went to see a doctor, I was doubled over in pain. My lymph nodes were swollen enough to see them through my groin area. And holy hell blisters.. the sex opened them, talk about pain. The exam was so bad they offered me a local and pain pills on the spot. On a scale of one to ten (and I have a pretty high pain tolerance) it was a 10 for sure.

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