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Herpes transmission via bathwater?

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So i know this might sound weird..idk how anyone else's households worked growing up..but i always took baths w a parent until i was three. i did the same thing with my son..however lately its been showers..and as far as i know I've nnever had bumps down there until this month..which we've only taken one or two showers and no baths..


so my main question is... bath time is over now right? and how likely would him getting it be? its not like is been a skin contact thing..just bathtime.


Hi there! This is one of those unfortunate paranoia things that the stigma would have us believe ... almost as if just breathing air would have everyone around us get herpes. ;) But that's not the case! You can't get herpes from bathwater, sharing drinks, toilet seats, none of that. Only skin to skin, friction-based contact. Check out this blog post for all the details:



... and check out our herpes facts video and my interview with Dr. Leone, too:



This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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simplest thing to do is not do it when having an OB ( with sores, some OBs don't have them). make it more special by not doing it all the time also. :)


I have had H for 35 yrs... have 2 daughters (25 and 28) and a beautiful 4 yr old granddaughter. Did mommy/baby baths with both daughters, shared towels, cuddled, kissed (I have H1 as well ... I just don't to big sloppy kisses or any kisses with any OB's/cuts on my lips)


Here's one more link to a blog I wrote that may help you see how the stigma has people over-thinking and over worrying about passing it on :)



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