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Tips for working out during a herpes outbreak?

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Hey yall, any tips on working out during an outbreak? I've been good about exercising , and wanted to go to the gym today, only to find my outbreak has gotten worse. All I want is my maxi skirt and the couch! Any tips on how to stay active?


I'm trying to avoid antivirals this time, bc I want to see if my body can learn to fight the natural way for once. Stress is a big trigger for me, so working out is kind of key. Funny that it's uncomfortable when I really need it!


:-) happy Wednesday

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What do you wear when you work out? If possible wear loose clothing but if that causes a rub then go for snug, breathable cotton (rather than lycra) if possible during the workout.


I personally love Ammonium Alum ( http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum

) for drying things up ... I'm not a big Gym rat but when I rode horses a lot, I used it to dry the sores/rashes up... It's cheap and worth a try. You can either put it on neat (may sting a bit at first) or make it into a solution (the stronger the more it will dry things out) but you will then want to blow dry the area on low to get all the moisture out of the area, because H hates drier areas) . I'd apply it right before you work out, then shower immediately after the workout, apply the alum while the area is damp (helps it to stick) then blow dry to remove any remaining moisture. Wear loose pants/maxi skirt home. I like to imagine when I'm putting it on that the little viruses are withering away like when the Wicked Witch of the West melted when the water hits her ;)

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