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i got my herpes test results

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i got my results. but my doctor has to rerun the tests because the lab combined the report and it came.back as (Positive: Herpes 1/2) and my doctor said because they did that he doesnt know which one it is..and he said because i already have oral hsv1 that it might just ve that..we did a pap smear today...but he eas looking at what i.thought was a breakout and he told me it looks like a skin infection?? he said it looks like cracked skin for some reason..but he's re running the tests and seperated the data this time..as for now.he said the redness and cracking looks like a skin infection..


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So did he do a swab of the crack/"skin infection" just to be sure?


And yes - one thing H teaches us is to slow things down and have those difficult conversations about sex and STD's that we'd rather not have... but that can lead to more honest communication and great er intimacy, or it can help you to see part of the person (inability to commit or be vulnerable, avoidance habits, etc) that may make them a poor match for you :)

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