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Constant tingling does it ever stop?

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I have tingling in balls every day. I am snapping over stupid shit. I talked with a therapist last week helped some going to try and go with my wife this week.think I need some anger management streaming from before this has just made me worse.I need a change of mind state in a big way.I watched some of those videos and helped but still in a bad place.i got a doc to write me a suppression scrip for 2pills a day for 3 months have not started them yet not sure if right thing to do?also my back has been super sore in the lower part of it where I guess the place it goes is this common?


Hey getbetter111, glad to hear that you made the appointment! One step in the right direction. You seem to be learning more about yourself, and where all this anxiety is stemming from, which is great to hear as well. I think you should try the medication and see if it helps you. It couldn't hurt at this stage. Back pain can be from herpes, but it can also be related to other things.


All though my blood test showed that I was H-, I still get tingly sensations on my balls everyday. This started all the way from mid-October. I know the feeling, drives me crazy and can't focus on anything. I'm still not convinced that I don't have it.


I don't know if its common, but one of the symptoms is a sore lower back.




Well, I am SOOOO glad you finally went to get therapy!!! And glad you will be including your wife soon. I am not at all surprised that the anger didn't start with Herpes.... Herpes just tends to force people to face things they've tried to ignore for years..... ;)


So why wouldn't it be the "right thing to do" to take the meds? If it makes you feel better, reduces the tingling, and helps your mood, what's wrong with that? What is it that makes you stop yourself from doing the things you need to? All along, when you have been told what you need to do, (go to the Dr, get your wife to the Dr, get in therapy... etc) you put it off as long as possible. I think this would be something to address with your therapist.... your avoidance issues ... because (as I said before) I think that this is a large part of what got you in this mess in the first place (likely not dealing with marital issues which caused you to turn to the sex worker for relief/connection).


Keep watching the videos. I actually watch them a LOT ... I have several favorites ... they help me to stay focused and grounded and with a better perspective :)



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