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Disclosed herpes to a new friend

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It's been 6 months since my diagnosis and I have disclosed to only a total of 5 people all of which I have known my entire life.


Soon my life changed after my diagnosis and I moved to a new country and city with entirely new and unknown people. I started university and realized that I had found true, kind and accepting friends here.

And for the first time last night I felt that I could absolutely trust one of my dearest friends here. Sure we have only known each other a few months, but sometimes we can tell what kind of a person we have as a friend.....


The topic of relationships had been discussed together many times and she knew I had broken up with my boyfriend before the move. She had always joked around about playing match maker and in my mind I knew I had my little secret that made dating a little harder for me.

And in that moment I knew i really wanted to tell her and so I turned to my friends and said "I want to tell you something but I hope you're view of me doesn't change or affect us."


She looked concerned at first but before I said anything she wanted to make sure I was okay.


And I took a deep breath and told her out loud: " I have HSV2 , and I got it from my ex boyfriend"


I was expecting the worst of course and was ultimately shocked when her reply was : " Thats all? To me that is nothing! I would never judge you on anything in your life, you're my friend and I will always care for you.

I was worried you were going to tell me you were moving away or had a terminal illness"


I honestly couldn't believe her reaction as if I told her something so simple like that I had a pimple on my chin or a gray hair. It made me so incredibly to happy to see that people can be so accepting and not even question you about why or how but that they still love you for who you are.


Just wanted to share this wonderful moment with you guys :)

Feeling fabulous today haha

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You would be amazed at how many people would react that way .... *IF* you gave them the chance. For one thing, a TRUE friend wouldn't judge.... so if you told someone this and they reacted negatively, well, they probably aren't good "friend" material anyways because if they judge you on this, odds are they will judge you an a whole lot more!


I came out on FB to 1000+ people/"friends" ( I have a large network because of my dancing friends) and I only got positive support from people ... and now people come to me when they have STD questions and they send their friends to me when they confide in them that they have H. I have yet to have anyone be ugly towards me ... but if I *had* experienced that, they would have been unfriended immediately because I would allow people around me how are ugly or negative ... I don't care who they are :)

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