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Safe to have sex after 4 months if there's no herpes outbreak but still some prodrome symptoms?

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It is 4 months or more now and I really don't want to give this to my wife for V-day if she doesn't already have it?I ended up with H1 and she has had cold sore in past I don't ever remember her with any but anyway she has not got a blood test she assumes she already has it in her blood and nothing they would ever culture in her woman parts she was having some discomfort in that area and abnormal discharge that the docs could never get to the bottom of and lasted a good 3 weeks or more and also the bumps they say are not related.to say the least I feel I already have given it to her but just incase I have not should I be safe to go ahead with no visible OB only the first.still feel my body feeling are still not normal. (Prodrome) symptoms come and go but more come with just a off feel down there? We need this but don't want to make thing anymore F-up.thanks for all feedback.


Well, for one thing if she has cold sores she has the antibodies which will help to protect her... Which BTW is a very good reason to believe that you have NOT given her HSV1 genitally .... and that something else is going on ...


If you have already given it to her, then it's done. If not, she has the antibodies which will help to protect her. Are you on antivirals? That will help to reduce the risk too. Your OB was on the tip of your penis so use a condom and you should be fine .... just don't get to rough for now ... no use in pushing your luck ;)


If she has hsv1 then you can't give her anything she already has even on a different place.


If she had oral cold sores as a young woman or has them now then she is immune to get the virus on any other body part.


My advice give to me by am expert in the field was dont have sex during ob if u are ghsv1 positive with an oral hev1 positive partner and that's pretty muh it. No condoms no antivirals nada.


So do with this info what you feel most comfortable and apply it to your situation.


Enjoy sex again friend


Aren't you the fella who was feeling guilty, because you believe you contracted genital HSV-1 from one act of infidelity? You might have already been told this, so I apologize for possibly repeating something, but if you wife has a history of cold sores, then the odds are far greater that you actually contracted genital HSV-1 from her via oral sex. At any rate, as the others mentioned, with an established oral infection, she is basically immune to contracting the virus elsewhere on her body. Avoid sex during outbreaks, and enjoy.

If she has hsv1 then you can't give her anything she already has even on a different place.


If she had oral cold sores as a young woman or has them now then she is immune to get the virus on any other body part.


Going to make a correction here... it's not *impossible* to pass it on to her genitals if she has it orally ... we DO have a couple people on here who got it in 2 areas from 2 different contacts ... BUT the general feeling is that if you avoid sex during an OB you should be fine because:


1) she already has the antibodies




2) Genital HSV1 is thought to not pass easily, if at all, from shedding because it sheds a LOT less often and less strongly....


and if you are on the antivirals then your risks are even less ... ie: well below 1% risk. Honey - if you MUST worry about something, worry about getting in a car and injuring or killing your family. The risk is a LOT higher .... just be smart and don't try anything with an OB and you should be fine.


Have a happy and SEXY Valentines Day with your wife :)

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