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Shingles vaccine

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Hi Libragirl43. Did you get the vaccine? I am in constant outbreak on antivirals and some over the counter meds. I notice when my outbreaks are really bad I get some of the symptoms people have when they have an active shingles outbreak. My hair or rather scalp gets so sore. Sorry to blabber on. Ill have to research this more.


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having had a family member go thru shingles, if you are in the demographic, GET IT!!!! that crap hurts. imagine your worse OB ever..... on your arm or back and covering 100x the area!!! some serious stuff there. scary thing for me is, I don know if I ever had chickenpox. I don't remember it nor does my mother.


and if, if, it helps with hsv then that's just a bonus.

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I actually had Shingles years ago when I was in my 20ies & going through a lot of stress. I broke out with Shingles on the side of my body & it was painful. When I had my first HSV outbreak I thought all the nerve pain I was having & tingling felt just like Shingles. It was very similar.

I'd get the Shingles Vaccine if it would help but I also don't want to do anything that might aggravate the HSV & cause more breakouts. I was hoping to hear if anyone on here had gotten the vaccine & had success.

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well there is anecdotal evidence that the chickenpox vaccine helps SOME people with OBs as a side affect but im not sure if there is much research into it. one of the tough things about herpes research is how the virus reacts differently in different people. how do you know the chickenpox or shingles vaccine helped with obs or its just that the body has finally forced latency on it?


ive thought about getting one or both because I don't know if I had CP and I don't want shingle, yikes.


I don't think it would aggravate hsv, maybe n ob while your body deals with the vaccine, if its an attenuated live virus type, not sure with those. beachdude seems to know a lot about this sort of thing.

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