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Here we go again...

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Sigh... Just finished 10 days of 3000mg/daily of Valtrex on the 10th. Then i was to take 500mg a day for 30 days. 3 days in and i have another outbreak starting. Not sure if i should up the dosage again or just let it happen. At least now I'm not devastated about it. I guess shit happens...lol.


Ive had a couple surgeries in the past couple years due to lumps that the dr wanted to remove. There is another that he has been watching on my ovary. I had just been in for another ultrasound and received a call from the clinic that they needed to see me as soon as I could schedule. 1/2 hour later the other clinic called me and told me I was H+. It was a bad day...

Any way, I told my co worker friend about the ultrasound call but not about the H call.


Funny thing, I hike a lot. During the summer months Im do between 40-50km/week as well as bike and yoga. I was out with a work friend hiking a few days ago. We work pretty closely. She has noticed the pills I've been taking and also noticed I've not been making numerous trips to the keurig for my coffee and avoiding the unlimited sweets and treats that always seem to be around. She asked me why. So I told her that that I have Herpes and explained that i was trying to gain control thru diet. She looked at me and said that she had it too. Has had it for years. told me she occasionally breaks out but it just goes away. Not a big deal. She said she doesnt get the sunburned feeling I get, but told me that H truly isn't a big deal. She said many of the things you all have been saying, but somehow when she said it it made me believe. Im certainly not happy about another outbreak, but I've resigned myself to just accepting. It will eventually level out...I hope.



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glad to hear about the friend being able to help. I have a buddy who went thru cancer 2x and it helped put things in perspective.

even on suppressive you will get OBs. I just had one, they tend to be more mild. mine was by comparison and I screwed the pooch royally on it. thought the prodomes were the ob and missed some pills, then decided since I missed may as well wean off since I was going to anyway and bam! now the bumps were minimal but the back pain was not fun. I went back on sup till this clears for sure. im not in a relationship so I see no need to be on sup, plus the extra cost and the what appears to be hair loss. I now have a sixhead instead of forehead. could be worse, my father had far less hair at 30 than I do at 50.

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oh and if you are new to H your OBs tend to be more frequent in the first year or so and the stress from finding out AND the ultrasound ( not clear on if anything was found, hope not) could also be playing a part. I have had ghsv2 for @ 1 1/2 years and my obs seemed to get more frequent when I found out, which was @ 11 months after so, stress can and does help the little bugger reactivate.

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i keep a jar of DMSO with aloe (the scented one/orange label, trust me). i also dump a small jar of alum and mix it into the DMSO. Seems to really help with the soreness and redness/inflammation. be careful with DMSO, it actually will carry ANY other chemical you have on your skin deeper into the tissue. think of it like a carrier oil with essential oils. wash your hands/use a q tip. this also makes it effective to use with another topical like tea tree oil. apply DMSO, wait 15, then dab on the TTO. it will absorb a ton more than normal.

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Yes, I know it is a carrier, Im very careful with it. It helps a LOT with the soreness and redness. I actually have used it in conjunction with the TTO.

I only have the pure DMSO, I haven't found that it leaves a scent or taste or anything like I've read it can.

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