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Dafaq?! Itchy bumps with discoloration a herpes outbreak?

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Diagnosed last month with HSV 1-2. In acceptance about it . It's not ideal, but I told my girlfriend and she didn't reject me. So at least ive got that going for me. I think im having an outbreak ? I got on medication immediately. I've had only slight itchy bumps with discoloration. No sores. But it's lasted for a couple weeks now . Is that normal ? When will the discoloration go away ?!?

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I'm white . Little brownish . Half mexican. The spots are white discoloration when I'm flaccid and allitle red when erect . Itchy bumpy spots. Sounds more gross than it is lol. Its not painful at all but it's lasting so long I'm just unsure of why . I'm sure it's different for everyone.

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It is different for everyone for sure. Outbreaks have a varied timeline. Could be days, could be weeks. If they last for longer, you may want to look into antivirals. As for the discoloration, I know that with black men, the sores/rash can be red and then white when they heal but over a short time, the skin goes back to normal (within a few weeks).

As a white chick (clearly) I know that the outbreaks always clear and my skin returns to normal. Others may have a different experience but that is what I know :)

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