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Any new herpes treatment on the horizon?

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As usual, I concur with you. That is exactly my approach to this virus and everything else in the world for that matter! As a nutritionist I have seen the "experts" continually change their so called facts about foods and when when it comes to vitamins and minerals, very little is actually known. We can only be forensic in our research and collect info from all sources. We can never be certain, there are no absolutes.


I am actually one of those people who's immune system did not "kick the virus to the curb". I live an extremely healthy lifestyle that would rival most, I sleep no less than 8hrs a night, eating naturally and organically, work out 6 days a week and lead a low stress lifestyle. I rarely get sick even. Though I have a grade school child and work hands on with people daily. I tried every natural remedy in the book from ozone therapy to lysine etc.... yet, after 15 years with the virus I was still getting OB's at least 6 times a year with varying degrees of severity. One of worst OB's was only 1.5yrs ago!!!! They lasted on average 7 to 14 days so the immunity theory clearly did not apply to me. I tried valtrex for and OB one time and it made me sick!!!! BUT...... I went to my infectious disease doc for more advice and he suggested I try it again but with only 500mg daily. I was motivated to try it because I was entering a new relationship with a H- partner. Low and behold..... the 500mg didn't bother me at all and in the year and a half I have had only one OB that lasted 2 days. For me, the suppressive therapy has been fantastic, my body obviously was one that needed the meds to control the virus.


And regarding the Healthcare systems, there are pros and cons to both but as was mentioned, other countries don't see herpes as such a big deal. There is also a profound lack of knowledge and many assumptions made about Canadian Healthcare and medical expertise. We are often under acknowledged for our contributions and approach to ensuring our citizens are receiving the care they need. Here in Canada they don't test for herpes or hpv and even if you request it, you are not likely to get it! The attitude is that hsv and hpv are not curable nor are they life threatening (directly that is). Of course hpv can lead to cancer but they do not test for the hpv since almost everyone has it, it is not treatable and not all strains are life threatening. In a pap, they are testing for irregular cells as a result of hpv, NOT testing for the virus itself. I have to say..... while I know the emotional toll that herpes takes is huge for many people but when the docs and nurses view it as relatively minor and are happy to treat the symptoms it does make you realize that we can have the tendency to blow it out of proportion. I am not minimizing the pain and struggle of having herpes for those who are still learning to accept it, merely pointing out what I say over and over.... herpes is just herpes don't give it more power than it deserves. Deal with it in any way that works for you then get out there and live your life!

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