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Not sure if I'm having a herpes outbreak ...

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I was diagnosed last year with HSV2. About a week ago I noticed what I thought was a external hemorrhoid. Now I have severe itching on my vagina. It's swollen and now burns extremely bad when I urinate. I haven't noticed any other blisters or bumps. I have an appointment set up with my herpes outbreak but these symptoms are something I'm not used to. Input?

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The symptoms may be an OB or they may not. Could be a yeast infection or UTI. It is quite possible to have OB's on your anus and swelling can also occur with OB's. I always assume I am having and OB (when in doubt) but if it persists, you may want to get checked for candida so you can treat that separately. You don't needs blisters or bumps to be having an OB so it doesn't hurt to use the ointment to see if it helps.

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Hello and Welcome!


So how were you diagnosed? Swab or blood test? Have you never had symptoms?


If you were diagnosed by blood with no symptoms, what were your results?


This matters because we get people on here who are diagnosed as H+ whose results were a false positive ... 40% of results with no symptoms whose numbers were between 1.1 and 3.5 are false negative ....


Your symptoms *could* be herpes but they sound more like a yeast infection to me ;/

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