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burning feeling after working all night

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I have finally got a lot of the pain in control, had my initial break out in October, One tiny spot...then I came down with the flu and the holiday stress in December did not have any sores but Since then I have had a horrible throbbing pain, contstant tingling , i take Valtrex 500 mg daily, some times twice a day, depending if i think something is happening, Lysine and just start vit b complex and that is when i started to finally have some relief. i feel pretty good all week, no where near the pain but i work Friday nights as a waitress/bartender, On my feet and a lot of running around, As the night goes on i can feel the pain coming back, and i actually get some swelling. By the end of the night, i feel raw. no sores just very red and irritated. I have to work...that is not a choice, but does anyone else experience anything like this and how can i hangle it. or is there something else i can do. i feel like i am so close to getting this in control then every Friday i am knocked back down. thank for any advice anyone can give.

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December was the first symptoms for me Had the tingling for a month. It went away, but them about a month and a half ago I got the burning again and it has been there ever since. It won't go away for me either.


Haven't found any help yet. Haven't taken valtrex to see if that works or not. Wish I had an answer.

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Do you wear tight clothing? If so, try to get some looser pants/clothes that allow air to circulate. And maybe try getting some wipes like Tucks with Witch Hazel and wipe the area down once or twice during the evening .... but make sure that you REALLY dry it off afterwards :)


And those Epsom Salts baths do wonders for many! Drop the salts right between your legs AFTER you get in the tub :)



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