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Hello all. I was diagnosed with Hsv2 a little over a week ago. I was not showing any symptoms but wanted to get tested because after years of being single I had finally found a great guy I really liked and we had gone on a few great dates and things were heating up. I got tested and we ended up having sex before I got the results. If I had thought I had it I never would've done that. Two days ago I told him I have it and he was very understanding and nice but said it's to much for him to deal with.

I think I may have had this for a long time but have either had very few outbreaks or didn't know I was having them. when my doctor gave me the diagnosis last week I wanted to do suppressive therapy in case the guy I was seeing was ok with it. I My doctor put me on acyclovir and I was immediately miserable. Within 24 hours I had a headache, nausea, chills, cough, and problems concentrating. I asked to try valacyclovir instead but I'm having the same problem. I stopped taking both since he doesn't want to see me anyway. The other side effects have stopped but I still have a really bad cough and rattling feeling in my lungs.

And now to to it all off I'm having what I now know is a breakout. I'm confused now as to if the issues I'm experiencing are due to the breakout or the medication.


I don't know what to do anymore. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday to discuss the medication issues but all of this has just been so unexpected and I'm emotionally drained. Two weeks ago I was happy and thought I had finally found someone I really connected with, got moved to an awesome new position at work. But now all I can think is that I'm 40 with a job where I work odd days and hours so dating had been hard enough already. Now I feel like it's going to be even that much harder to date when I'm ready again. And I may not be able to tolerate the medication even if I find someone nice again.


Has anyone experienced anything similar?



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Do you think it's possible that the stress is running your immune system down and that some of the symptoms you are experiencing is something else? I got headache and nausea with some of the medications but when you mentioned the cough and rattling feeling that is unusual?

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@bruck009 I had very bad side effects with valtrex suppressive therapy when I first took it. But, I was stressed out so bad. I literally thought I was dying and going crazy. I stopped taking it and tried acyclovir but had side effects with it at first that I'm but later subsided . I had two paper cut ob's while on acyclovir and so I switched back to valtrex and have been fine. I think stress plays a big roll in everything when it come to H. Just give yourself time

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I tried both of those meds and also had bad reactions, but the acyclovir was worse for me. I haven't had any meds in 4 days and feel much better physically, but last night I started having shooting nerve pains like I was starting another outbreak. So I took an Epsom salt and tea tree oil bath, and some lysine, and today no pains yet. I was just dx'd last mth, and I freaked out and opted right away for suppressive therapy, but now I'm realizing that probably wasn't the right choice for me as I'm really sensitive to meds. So I'm going to see how my immune system handles it over time, and take supplements and avoid triggers in the meantime.

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@sadpanda I'm extremely sensative to meds as well. When I went to the doctor about the issues I've was having she said I may need to use them episodicaly since I was having so many issues. I tried it and was thinking everything was the beginning of an ob so I just needed started back using the meds. Im to nervous to see what might happen without them

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Do you think it's possible that the stress is running your immune system down and that some of the symptoms you are experiencing is something else? I got headache and nausea with some of the medications but when you mentioned the cough and rattling feeling that is unusual?


I do think stress is a factor in this. It may be something else but the timing is just weird because everything started immediately after taking the acyclovir. Since I've stopped taking anything the headache, nausea, fever and chills have stopped but the cough and rattling in my lungs is still there. I've never had that before and my throat doesn't hurt like it would if I had a regular cough or cold. Hopefully the doctor can help figure out what's going on.


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@sadpanda I'm extremely sensative to meds as well. When I went to the doctor about the issues I've was having she said I may need to use them episodicaly since I was having so many issues. I tried it and was thinking everything was the beginning of an ob so I just needed started back using the meds. Im to nervous to see what might happen without them


I am really sensitive to meds too. Seems like everything gives me headaches. I'm definitely going to be trying some of the natural remedies I'm reading about on here.

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Given that you said you have rattling in your lungs I'm not sure it's the meds that are causing ALL of the issues ... yes, some have some reaction but this sounds like you may have got a REAL cold or flu at the same time as you started taking the meds. I'd wait a few weeks and try again - if you are sensitive, try taking 1/4 dose first ...if you tolerate it, take half, and work your way up to a full dose if you can.


As for the guy bailing ... one thing I have learned (and seen time and again on here) is that H will force you into making better dating habits and choices. This is by NO means any judgement ... (I've done it FAR too many times too!) but having sex "after a few dates" really does seem to screw up our abilities to make good choices about partners ... there's the joke that a man's circulatory system can only supply one head at a time ... well, same goes for us women ... when we jump in bed before we have gotten to KNOW the man, we often find ourselves hurt and bruised soon after when things don't work out ... whether he was a "hit it and quit it" sorta guy or whether you just weren't compatible, it still tends to screw with our psyche. Once we have herpes, many learn to really slow down the "getting to know you" process and find that, as I like to say, herpes becomes a great Wingman ... because you learn to judge whether the person is WORTHY of disclosure first ... AND if you disclose and they run, you see a side of them that you likely wouldn't have seen for a long time otherwise ... he may be a germaphobe, or scared of commitment, or "just not really THAT into you" (Ie, he was more interested in getting INTO you) .... and while "rejection" around Herpes can suck, if you learn it's not about YOU and you realize that this is about THEM, you learn to let your H Wingman help you to sort through the good, the bad, and the "why the hell did I ever want to date him?'s " LOL











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