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I am pretty sure there are plenty of new people on here, and I haven't been on here in a while. Well hello I am Megan, and I found out I have Genital Herpes about a year, and a half ago. WCSDancer2010 , was definitely a great help when giving me advice, and coming on here being able to help others definitely helped me a lot as well.

Here we go..

It was right before I turned 20 when I discovered I had Genital herpes. I remember talking to my boyfriend on the phone ( we were dating long distance) I found something that hurt on my vulva. The only thing going through my head is omg omg omg, this better not be what I think it is. I told my boyfriend that I was worried, I was constantly worried. So I went in for a check up, and the doctor couldn't see anything. She did a swab that came back negative. So I went down to get my blood drawn. I remember waiting around constantly, and my anxiety being out the roof. About a week later I got a call saying that everything came back normal, and that I didn't have herpes. I was so excited. I just was so glad, and so I went out to have some celebration. The next day I got home, and I got another call they said " We misread your test results, and you came back positive for HSV-2." Well ask you can imagine by that point I was balling and crying my eyes out. I thought I was the worst thing that ever happened.


I finally told my boyfriend, and he said that it didn't change the way he felt about me. Also I was on here almost all day, because reading peoples stories, and talking to other people who understood was very comforting. I may not be with that guy then, but that helped me realize that I wouldn't always be patronized for my condition. I learned to live with it, and I have learned to make the best of things. Honestly getting HSV, was probably one of the best things that could have happened to me. I was using all sorts of drugs, badly. I thought I was having the time of my life, but HSV has made me be more conscientious about my body, and what I am doing to it.


I have been with the guy I am with now, since August. He is amazing, and accepts me.

He helps me grow, and I am learning that there is a lot more to life to be happy. Every day that I wake up breathing is a wonderful day. I am so glad that I am still alive, and that what happened to me could have been a lot worse.

It has honestly saved me from myself, and I just want to let you all know that it is going to be okay. That every day you have something worth living, and fighting for. That you are a strong individual, and that you can make it through anything. This is just another stepping stone, that believe it or not will help you see the good in things.


I just want you all to keep your head up in the air, and never EVER give up !

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Hey there! Fairly new here too, and I have to say I had the EXACT same situation happen to me with the doctor. I know it's not good to pass judgment on those in the medical labs and doctor's offices who (I hope...) are there to help us, but as someone who doubles, triple checks my work in my office, the fact that a lab who does such crucial testing that could mean turning someone's life upside down would say something like "we misread your results, sorry, oops." - nothing hurts more than that moment of hitting the ground hard after you were flying high from them telling you "you're fine!"


I had my blood work all come back negative and the asian-female doctor cheerfully call me saying "everything came back good, no need to worry, hope you have a great day!" and that was followed by another voicemail ten minutes later saying "actually your skin graph test came back positive...you have HSV-2. We'd like you to come back in for your treatment options. Goodbye." I fell to pieces and didn't know how my life had "crumbled" before my eyes in just one afternoon.


After a few painful nights and lots of tears, consoling from my partner who never had symptoms or outbreaks but had never been tested for it so didn't know he had it, I learned how to treat this exactly as it is...just a meaningless virus. No different that cold sores on your lip, no different than people who have other skin conditions, allergies that pester people every year...sure it is contagious, and not everything other people has is, but that doesn't mean you have to wallow. Relationships and sex are SO much more meaningful when placed with a filter that rids the horrid personalities and only let's in the folks who say, "oh is that all? Psh, don't worry about it."


I know if my current partner (same who passed the virus to me) and I break up, it will be tough getting through dating again (and will I even be able to just hook up if I'm safe/on medication?) but I will be determined to treat myself in the highest regard and always keep my head up.

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