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HSV-2 positive = HSV-1 protection? And vice versa?

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I know this is a question that gets asked all the time, but I was just wondering if anyone knows the odds that I will contract HSV-1 when I'm HSV-2+...? (I'm basically looking for transmission rates because I like numbers that I can mentally process as opposed to likely/unlikely lol. I didn't see any in a quick search that I did.) And does having oral HSV-1 offer some protection against HSV-2 and genital HSV-1, or just genital HSV-1?


When I disclosed my status to the guy I'm talking to, he told me that he has had HSV-1 orally since childhood. My concern is that I may contract HSV-1 genitally from receiving oral sex, as I don't already have HSV-1 orally. He hasn't been tested for HSV-2 yet, but if he's negative, will he have some protection against HSV-2?


Just a side note: He has been so cool about it :) I'm going to post a disclosure story, so I won't go into detail, but I just wanted to add that lol

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@ivoryrain. I can't help with the stats on that but your question is interesting.... if you have ghsv2 and he has oral hsv1, he could give you ghsv1 but.... how would you know? :) you would have to swab each ob to figure out which one it was and then what? Herpes 1 and 2 genitally is still genital herpes right? Hsv1 has less OB's generally and is less likely to be spread from genital to genital so your future partners technically would be at about the same risk as they already are with your ghsv2. The only real increased risk would be you getting ghsv1 and transmitting it orally to a future partner (from your genitals to their mouth) since ghsv 2 is very rarely passed to oral sites. BUT since 80% of people already have oral hsv1 then once again, the risk is quite small. You have a greater risk of getting oral hsv1 from kissing him! To be honest.... if it was me, I wouldn't sweat it. You will both be careful not to share your respective herpes with each other regardless of where it is but you both already have herpes so you know that even if you were to get hsv1 (anywhere) or he was to get hsv2, you will merely have "more" herpes :) not really a life changer at this point. I say, move forward, be careful and enjoy the possibility that this relationship might turn into something meaningful and real. It is already off to a great start!

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