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How I got herpes

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Last summer I started sleeping with a woman I had the biggest cross on since I was 20, she is 5 years older than me. By the time I turned 25, we ran into each other and started to stay in touch. Finally it got to the point where we were having sex and during our pillow talk we were sharing many things with each other. One night she told me we should just go raw, I trusted her because she was a family friend, she was really good friends with my oldest brother, so I believed nothing would go wrong, boy was I wrong. about 4 days later I noticed these white bumps on my glans and it really itched. But that was it, I figured it was probably just an irritation that came from the condom I was using the last night we used condoms, So i rub moisturizer on it and it itched pretty bad. So after 4 days passed and I went to see the doctor, when I went to him the bumps were gone but it still looked like there were some small scars from it healing. (The bumps were found on the left side of my glans only), the doctor told me it looked like it was still healing but I should get a blood test done. A couple days later I returned to my doctors office for the results and turned out that the IgG antibodies came back 3.0, which means I was positive! It was the worst feeling, I didn't know what do say or to do or what kind of questions I should ask, all I knew is that my sex life was over, since no woman would ever want to be with me and I wouldn't want to put any other woman in the position I'm in. I went into a state of depression and then I found a video on youtube of a man who claimed eating raw food will help the body heal it's self, with the help of oregano oil. It seem legit since their were a couple of people who said they were healed after 3 months. I said, what the hell only 3 months of eating clean, why not I'll give it a try. I made friends on the page with people who started this protocol with me, every time they used the oregano oil they told me they would get instant outbreaks for and then the outbreaks would quickly vanish. For the passed 4 months that I tried it I never seen those stupid bumps. The ONLY problem I have since my first and only outbreak is that my glans has a irritated look, like the entire glans has a redish look, and you can especially notice it when it is erected (does anyone else have this problem)? Well, all the guys I started with quit the diet because they realized it was a scam, I just couldn't handle eating that way because it was very expensive and I was losing A LOT of weight (I started at 175, I ended at 130). People thought I was sick. So since I didn't notice anymore outbreaks I went back to a different doctor this time and pleaded him to give me a blood test, he gave it to me. He called me back with the results and told me I came back NEGATIVE. I was in shock I couldn't believe it, it must have been a mistake, so i asked him if I can stop by and see the paperwork. When I got the paperwork, I looked at the test he used and it was an IgM. I wanted to kill him!!! (figuratively). So it was almost christmas and I said screw it i'm gonna eat whatever I want I don't care anymore, that eating habit was just making me depressed. So now, since december I have been eating EVERYTHING edible and those stupid bumps still haven't come back on my glans or anywhere. I started shaving the groin area again an noticed bumps. I don't know if that's herpes or not, but these bumps have been there for months, and they aren't in a cluster, it's like one here and one there. & of course the irritated looking penis head, I tried different lotions, topical creams that are for jock itch, coconut oil, I don't know how to give it that normal pink look. Also, when I feel the glans, it isn't bumpy at all it's actually very smooth, maybe someone might have the same issue?



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Well, if your IgG came back 3.0 that soon after sex with the woman, you didn't get it from her. It takes about 4 months to become established enough to show up on a blood test.


And you need to get a new Dr ... the IgM is useless anyway, and not at all the right test for someone who has had the virus for several months...


And if those "Miracle Cures" worked, everyone would be doing them ... perhaps for some they stop having OB's because they have got off crappy diets, but they are not "cured" ... just asymptomatic/in latent phase :(


I suggest you retest with the IgG ... if the number is under 3.5, I suggest that you call Westover Heights and get a Western Blot test done... it's the Gold Standard of testing and WH is one of the top Herpes clinics in the country :)


U of W Western Blot http://depts.washington.edu/herpes/faq.php#faqCat-3


Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... they can order the test for you through Quest Labs. It costs $5/minute for a consult … cheap IMO for clarity and/or peace of mind.


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As dancer said, with those results, you didn't get it from who you think you did. Likely, the bareback sex caused friction that caused the OB of herpes you already had. And when you say "you trusted her" you are implying that she had herpes and knew it and gave it to you BUT if the results are accurate, the reality is..... YOU had herpes and may have given it to HER. Be very careful not to make assumptions when it comes to herpes. Most people who have it, don't know they have it and it seems like you may have been one of them. That doesn't make you untrustworthy or dirty or any negative connotation that seems to follow the stigma of herpes, it makes you human. If you have conclusive results that show higher values, you have had herpes for a while.... long before you had sex with this woman. Have you talked to her about this? I would suggest you do! She needs to know that she is either unknowingly carrying herpes or has been exposed to it and should be tested in the next 4 to 6 months.


As for the "cure" for herpes. There isn't one. None of us would be here on this forum if there was! The best you can do is find the best way to manage herpes and go on with your life. One day there may be a cure but for now, don't hold your breath, just accept it and take care of yourself and your symptoms :)

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