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So I just found out I have herpes. I was perscribed Acyclovir. It's only been a day and a half. I was not prescribed any pain medications because they told me they couldn't perscibe me any, which is very odd. But anyways I have about 3 bumps in my genital area right by my opening. They hurt so bad that I can't sit, walk, or even use the bathroom especially because it burns. And I recently started noticing my inside butt itching and now its starting to burn and feel like ihave a bump there too. They told me to take at least 400mg ibuprofen but that isn't working at all! I'm dying of pain and I was wondering if I could take any stronger meds while taking Acyclovir. I am also on birth control called Ocella. I have some hydromorphne and tremadol and I want to take it so bad but I'm scared of what the consequenes might be if I do take it.

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Hang in there


You certainly can ask for stronger pain meds and I wouldn't take anything yourself without consulting doctor or pharmacist


For the sores try to keep them dry


Try going pee in the shower as that seems to help some


Also the key is to try to dry out the sores. Taking Epsom salt baths can dry them out and sometimes people blow dry on cool the area to make sure it's thoroughly dry


Don't wear undies for a bit to keep air circulating down there


If you search here on the forum there are lots of suggestions. Try these for now.


Antivirals can take 2 or 3 days to work


Chin up all outbreaks end and this will too and they do get easier in time.


Good luck



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It's getting late but I wanted to get you some info to help you get relief.


@whitedaisies gave the "Readers Digest" Version of the links I'll give you below. There's lots of great ideas here that have worked for some...


One other quick option.. L-Lysine helps some to knock it down....you may want to try that ...


Hope these ideas give you some relief...



http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below






Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil






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My first outbreak was the DEVIL! The peeing in the shower thing really helps alot, but i also used Dermoplast spray for those times also. I slept with no undies or shorts on, and slept on a towel because of discharge. I also did the hair dryer thing to dry off after showers and things like that because the towel would be so painful to even dab iit! If you get another outbreak try that stuff because it certainly helped me!!

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