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can the H make you feel run down even after its healed?

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My first outbreak started on June16th as little papercut like areas. It progressed into raised red bumps and then did the ulceration process. Mine never crusted over and now they are little pink spots. On june 19th i went to the doctor and she did a swab of the cut spot. Then june 22nd (a week after my first symptom) i was diagnosed with hsv2 and she put me on a 10 day does of valtrex twice a day. My first outbreak was furious, inhad bodyaches, headache, a high fever and chills. I was miserable. Everything is healed except that cut spot is being stubborn.


But anyways, i STILL feel run down. I dont know if its because im a little stressed or depressed, or if it is because my body i still fighting this virus. Im needing to get back in the gym but even the simplest tasks like walking up and down stairs takes the breath out of me!! Im 25 years old!! Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this??

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Herpes had the same effect on me. Earlier this yr after having it for 7-8 months, I decides to try to quit the meds... Oh boy, that was a mistake. I did a mud obstacle run and felt a type of fatigue you only feel after waking from surgery. Slept 15hrs and still took days to stop feeling so bad. Then I was exhausted w in 3hrs of waking up and just walking in an amusement park for 4hrs had that severe fatigue.. It triggered chronic fatigue in me. Once I got the meds back in my system, I was good to go. I'm 33 and this was happening. Since being back on daily suppressive therapy, my chronic fatigue subsided.

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That makes me wonder if i should go ahead and do suppressive therapy. My boyfriend and i discussed it (he is neg for hsv1 and hsv2) and we figured i would wait and see how bad my OBs are and how many i get before i do that. He is just worried about the long term risks of taking it all the time. But i cant feel rundown like this forever. When i work allday midmorning i start feeling huffy puffy and already wanting to just sit down and do nothing.

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Well Dancer can attest to this, the medications are very safe. If they weren't, they wouldn't give it to pregnant women and all my gfa who had babies, were on it. It doesn't hurt to take it the first yr at least and then see how your body does w out.


I'm confused then. Where did you get herpes from then, if not your bf?

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Well I can tell you I was taking it and had liver testing done for reasons outside of the medication and my liver was just fine. It can raise liver enzymes at times, just like a night of hardcore dri king can, but doesn't mean it causes liver failure.


Are you seeing a GYNO or a GP?

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The virus definitely makes me tired. I've never been so tired in my life as I have this past year. Which is honestly the worst part for me. And I'm very easily affected by schedule disruptions and minor colds. Neither of which were ever an issue before. I don't find the meds to be as helpful with this. I actually find that they make me more tired. But I'm super stressed right now and my attempt at easing off of them was less than successful.

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The general feeling is that if you already have liver issues that they may suggest you don't take it ... but they are ok with a healthy liver/kidneys.


I would try them for a few months and see how they work for you... and a suggestion to you and to @2Legit2Quit ... if/when you try to get off them WEAN yourself off over time... just stopping them is too much for the body to deal with for many especially if you take them from the early stages because your body hasn't had a chance to fully develop the antibodies to it.


I personally just take them when I need them if I feel an OB coming on now ... I've taken them for suppression for 3 yrs and never had a problem when I did that either...

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@WCSDancer2010 I had started taking a 1000mlgs a day after 7 months post diag and didn't ween off and stopped cold turkey.. I'm sure that didn't help. I went back on them and then slowly weened back to 500mlgs a day. For now, I plan on staying on the 500, as I have symptoms monthly, but I do know to ween off next time. Being I have two autoimmune diseases, I think k it is best for me to stay on them for awhile.

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Yes ... in your case, at least for now, it's a good idea to stay on them ...but you may still want to try slooowly weaning down to the point where you find that you get breakthrough OB's then go up to the dose above that at some point if you wish to reduce the amount of drugs you are taking ...but that's an individual choice ;)

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@WCSDancer2010 at 500mlgs of valtrex again. Honestly, if you remember any of my postings on here and how I had the worst OB in history, I swear w my neuropathy and paresthesia, I'm afraid I'll need to be on there for life unfortunately. I had even during the first few months after initial infection, developed small vessel vasculitis. My immune system literally went ape shit on me. The first few months, if I even missed a pill, the vasculitis would pop back up. I think I'll give it another yr and then try

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