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Over a year...what gives?!

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I was recently on here freaking out...I'm baaaaaaackkk. Lol jk. I've had hsv-2 in my nether regions for almost a year and a half. Idk if it's the stress of being single again and dating or new position at work, but I've had outbreaks back to back for almost a month and a half now. But I've had small outbreaks before, so what's going on? I thought after a year, your body was kinda used to fighting it off. Should I get on valtrex? It's never been this bad—tiny clusters, a lot of itching, and the closer I get to this guy the worse it gets. :( help, if you're not tired of hearing me rant. Lol ;-*

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It definitely sounds like stress to me. Try to relax and just go with the flow. Don't put pressure on yourself and increase your stress levels. Like @2Legit2Quit said I recommend getting on meds. Try to find ways to relieve your stress. For me, a calm workout, like yoga or walking helps be destress. I also write out my thoughts and feelings. Find an outlet. I hope it gets better

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I agree ... start working on YOURSELF and your stress levels .... and in your case, the meds may be a necessity ... at least for now ... once you get your life back on track and can breathe (and hopefully work on learning how to let go of that which isn't serving you!) then you may be able to go off of them ;)

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Thank you guys. I will definitely try to start yoga again and exercise. Or a creative outlet. I started valtrex, but my doctor only said one a day. It's only been a few days and I still keep getting new tiny sores, so I'll see. I do need to work on myself, I've just been avoiding it. :-/

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I've been dealing with this (although not as extreme) - twice this month I had back to back outbreaks. Sometimes life is just stressful, despite all of our best self-care. As I am preparing to move across the country (packing, travelling to find a new home, saying farewell, wrapping up projects at work), my grandmother is about to pass any moment. I haven't been able to care for myself the way I typically do because I am spending time with her and my mom, and helping my aunt care for her. But I'm just trying not to worry about the outbreaks. I don't feel my best, but it's really not the worst. I have reached a point where I just have to accept that it's there, and know that when life settles to a new normal, I will be able to pick up on my better habits and move forward.

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