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Primary Outbreak - When is it "Done"?

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Hoping someone can help weigh in on their experience with the primary OB. How long do you go until you're symptom free and consider the outbreak "done"? Do you consider itching to be one of the symptoms or is this my lovely yeast infection continuing? Does an OB "clear" but have a chance of recurring with 1-2 more or is that a new OB?


My Timeline:

Wednesday, July 8 - initial symptoms, thought they were tears (hopeful thinking)

Friday, July 10 - Went to a doctor that could do a swab (and she was far more confident). Given 1000mg 2x day Valcyclovir

Friday, July 17 - Lesions cleared (saw a gyno) but told I have a yeast infection.

Monday July 20 - I discovered a small new "tear"

Wednesday, July 22 - No visual lesions, small discharge but generally itchy (all over, 2 spots in particular) and just generally sensitive.


Realize that the above is something I'm going to learn about myself, but I'm wondering when you consider one outbreak "over" and another one "beginning". Was the new tear a second outbreak or a continuation of the primary?


Thank you for all of your experience!!

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It takes a bit for things to calm down. Many having itching for a few months after . usually a new OB is after lesions cleared and then some pop up. Sounds like a new one that you had that was mibor. Make sure you journal your symptoms, location and triggers like foods/drinks/lack of sleep/stress daily. This was how I learned my body and when I believe I am shedding, but not having an OB.. Shedding for me consists of itching and/or a sensitive patch of skin.

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Well, it's different for everyone and really, it doesn't matter if the second "tear" was still the first OB or not ... we don't usually worry about defining it that much. Basically sounds like your body was starting to get control and then the virus rallied. That can happen at first. Just keep attacking it from the outside with all the arsenal that you can from the links I gave you and do what you can to reduce any other stresses on your body.... right now it needs your help to gain control of the virus ... and usually folks find that a 2+ pronged attack works best to slow or stop the OB's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in the same boat as you are. Trying to figure out whats an outbreak and what's not. Granted my initial outbreak was very mild, so that might change things? I actually discovered my first OB around the same time as you- weird enough. It absolutely SUCKED at first. Felt dirty all of the time, and constantly washed my hands (I still do because I'm paranoid). I'm learning to live with it, but I wish there were more answers. Like when does the itching go away? When am I back to normal again? When can I stop being worried about spreading it to different parts of my body? Glad to see that there are people like me on here though :) cheers and good luck

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@nado aren't we all! I've been clear (knock wood) of any sores or itching for over a week now! (the last one healed last Thursday). I've been on 500mg valcyclovir 2x a day (I've also been on antibiotics, steroids and was hospitalized for tonsilitis on Friday. If anything was going to be stressful on my body it was going to be that, and I think I powered through!!)

Are you on any suppression meds? I think that might help you know if itching is a symptom - if you're suppressing and not itching, and then itching when not suppressing, you'll know more that it's a "shedding" time for you!

I think we are all in the same boat for the first few months! Please see my "HOLY SHIT DID I JUST GIVE MYSELF LIP HERPES" post from earlier this week. Or not because it was just paranoia.


The boards are such a blessing, and those that are so active (@2legit2quit, @wcsdancer2010 and @anna01) on them for the past few weeks are incredibly helpful!

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@NothingGoodGetsAway wow you're a doctor's dream this summer haha. I was thinking about doing that, i just hate having to take medication every morning. but maybe it's not a bad idea for peace of mind. this forum really has been a savor though and usually i find a post that answers my question or makes me feel better some how. I'm going to go read your other post because i am full of paranoia- trying to get better though!


thanks for your support and @2legit2quit, @wcsdancer2010 @anna01, you guys are amazing.

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