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I know it could be worse... But I'm battling with my positive mantra. Trying so hard to take day by day...but these constant outbreaks are continuing to take their toll. It's been a full year today- and I've had about 4 weeks of no symptoms. when will this end?

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Sorry you seem to be in the extreme minority who are having problems with getting the virus under control ...and that the "houseguest" is such a crappy roommate.


Perhaps you should see a Rheumatologist and make sure you don't have some other immune function issue going on? At this point you have every right to start asking for help from the medical profession with getting answers as to why you can't seem to get it under control...



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Girlnameshope I am in the same boat as you. I have about one or two obs a month and I've had it for a yr, just a tad over. For my one yr anniversary and bday, I had an existing OB still around after 2 weeks, when another one popped up. Now I can tell although the physical appearances are fine after like over 3 weeks, I have other symptoms.. Itching, burning here and there, tingling and some discomfort in my tailbone while sitting on hard surfaces. This has been a month for me now and I've not had symptoms be this long, since my primary. I did find out that a new muscle relaxer I was put on, counteracts w the antiviral that starts w an A, but didn't say it did w valtrex, but I kept getting sicker and sicker while on it and put two and two together. It's an older type muscle relaxer. I feel that it contributed to my obs.


Now w that said, Dancer is mentioning a rheumatologist, because people like me who have autoimmune diseases, tend to have more frequent obs, even w me taking daily suppressive therapy . I was in the process of being diagnosed for autoimmune diseases, when I contracted herpes. My primary OB was worse than I've read on anyone else, so a lot of us are starting to link the severity of obs, is a correlation for our immune systems to be freaking out, likely from autoimmune reasons.

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